Friday, January 16, 2015

Twenty-nine year old man sentence to 4 months for attempting to leak fiancé’s nude pictures

The Tamale District Court-1 has sentence a twenty-nine year old, Baba Sayibu into prison custody for four months for attempting to leak his fiancé’s nude pictures on social media. 
The case presided by His Worship, Anthony Assah sentence Mr. Baba Sayibu to four months into prison custody. 
The judge in his caution statement stated that is to served as a deterrent for others to desist from such act. 
Prosecuting the case in court, Inspector Gabriel Alorsy, said on the 24th of December, Mr. Baba Sayibu invited the victim to his room at Sabonjida, a suburb of the Tamale Metropolis upon sensing that the fiancé was to call their relationship off. 
According to Inspector Gabriel, he convinced the lady and had a wonderful time with her, where the culprit took some nude pictures of the lady without her consent. 
He added that, after the act, the girl demanded some money to braid her hair which the culprit refused. 
On the following day, inspector Gabriel said Mr. Sayibu called the girl and she declined her calls severally. 
He further added that Mr. Sayibu threatened leaking the nude pictures in a couple of minutes should the girl refuse honouring his invitation. The prosecutor said the lady later reported the case to the police leading to his arrest. 
Last year, similar nude pictures of young ladies in the Tamale Metropolis went viral on social media raising concerns on the crop of generation the society is breeding. 
This however brought not only the families of such victims into public ridicule but the entire northern region.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

UDS launches joint Medical Training Programme with Galilee Institute of Management

The University for Development Studies (UDS), Prof Haruna Yakubu has announced that the university collaboration with the Galilee International Management institute, Israel, launched an International Medical Training Programme.
The programme aims at training the much needed doctors and other medical personnel for Ghana, Africa and the International community.
Announcing this at the 15th Congregation at Tamale Campus, Prof. Yakubu however gave the assurance that the programme is not meant to take over the regular training of medical doctors by the UDS School of Medicine and Health Sciences but rather meant to be a useful complement with an international dimension and patronage.   
University for Development studies since the establishment of the medical school has made strides in the area of training the needed health personnel for the country.
The university currently tuned out a third batch of 33 medical Doctors.  By this feat the university is living up its mandate of helping to address the challenge of inadequate health personnel in Ghana.  

The University has been noted across the African sub-region for its uniqueness in it community engagement programme which provide opportunity for students to live in rural communities identifying their developmental potentials and challenges and developing interventions to enhance those developmental potentials.

UDS To Establish Institute For The Study Of Ethics

The University for Development Studies (UDS) will from next academic year establish an Institute for the Study of Ethics and Moral Values. The institute will among other things introduce a mandatory course in ethics and social responsibility to be taken by all first year students of the University.  The Vice Chancellor of the UDS Professor Haruna Yakubu, revealing this at the 15th congregation of the University, said the purpose of the programme is to help inculcate ethical and social responsible behavior among Ghanaians.  The institute, he noted, will also in collaboration with the UDS Graduate School develop postgraduate diploma and certificate programmes in Ethics and Social Responsibility.
This year, a total of 6,527 students from across all four campuses graduated. Two thousand six hundred and thirty-one graduates received their certificate in postgraduate and undergraduate degrees as well as diplomas. Last week, 3,896 graduates at the Wa Campus of the University received similar certificates. 
 Prof. Yakubu also revealed that UDS in collaboration with the Galilee International Management institute, Israel, launched an International Medical Training Programme. The training programme according to the Vice Chancellor would cater for the teeming number of applicants for the University’s medical training programme from both within and outside Ghana. The programme, he added aims at training the much needed doctors and other medical personnel for Ghana, Africa and the International community. Prof. Yakubu however gave the assurance that the programme is not meant to take over the regular training of medical doctors by the UDS School of Medicine and Health Sciences but rather meant to be a useful complement with an international dimension and patronage.

Speaking on behalf of the President of Ghana, Deputy Minister of Education in-charge of Tertiary Education, Samuel Okudzato Ablakwa commended the university authorities for the quality human resources they churn out to help boost the workforce of the country. He also indicated that, adequate resources have been made available to ensure that all sectors of the education are well catered for as soon as the government introduces the free but progressive senior high school next year.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Metro Mass Bus Driver arrested for overloading

Two journalists in the region have caused the arrest of a Meto Mass driver for over loading.  The Journalist Joseph Ziem of the Daily Dispatch and Saka Alhassan of Filla Fm who were onboard the Sunyani   bus said several complains by passengers on board that they were overloading the bus received no attention from management of the company compelling the two to make a distress call to the Northern Regional Manager of the Road Safety Manager, Alexander Ayartah leading to the arrest of the driver at Buipe in the Central Gonja district. Mr. Akomea Manu, 45 was detained for some few minutes and charged for overloading. He will appear before a court of competent jurisdiction on Tuesday, 15 of September, 2014.  The bus with registration number AS 9340 Z, has a total capacity of 63 but took over 78 passengers. Speaking in an interview with Mr. Alexander Ayartah he said this particular case will be use as a case study since the National Manager of Metra Mass Transit Ltd was a former Road Safety manager in the country. He warned drivers who flout road safety regulations to be cautious or will face the full rigorous of the law under his leadership as a road safety manager in the region.

Metro Mass Transit Company convicted for overloading

The Tamale District Magistrate Court has cautioned a 45 year old driver with the state-owned Metro Mass Transit Company, Akomea Manu who was standing trial for overloading. On September 15, 2014 at about 2:05 PM two journalists on board a Tamale-Sunyani bound metro mass bus with registration number AS 9340 Z caused the arrest of Mr. Akomea Manu for over loading.  The Journalists Joseph Ziem of The Daily Dispatch and Saaka Alhassan of Fiila FM said several complaints by other passengers on board the bus which was being overloaded received no attention from the conductor and driver of the bus. This compelled the two journalists to make distress calls to the Northern Regional Manager of the Road National Road Safety Commission Mr. Alexander Ayartah leading to the arrest of the driver at Buipe in the Central Gonja district. Mr. Akomea Manu was detained for some few minutes and charged for overloading. Appearing before the Tamale District Magistrate Court two on 28th October, Akomea Manu pleaded guilty but he was convicted and discharged by the Presiding Judge His Worship Augustine Essah.  Akomea Manu was charged by the Northern Regional Police Metro Transport and Traffic Department for failing to provide proper seating accommodation and carrying greater number of passengers.

91 people die in road accidents in the northern region

Ninety-one out of one hundred and fifty-five people have been killed between January and September this year in the Northern Region through motor accident. Twenty-nine people lost their lives in the first quarter, thirty-seven in the second quarter and twenty-five in the third quarter of 2014, Superintendent of Police and Head of the Police MTTD Blewushie Godwin Cashman told Fiila News in an interview. He revealed that 68 of the cases were fatal, 50 were serious while 36 were minor cases.  A total of twelve pedestrians were also knocked down by motorist. The Tamale Metropolis recorded the highest rate of accident cases with the least being Bole and Buipe towns.   

Police charged to go beyond inspecting licenses on high ways

The National Road Safety Commission (NRSC) in the Northern region has charged the Motor Transport and Traffic Department of the Ghana Police Service to go beyond inspecting only licenses and insurances on the high ways and educate drivers on safety measures on high ways. The commission says the police should help ensure safety and clearing unworthy vehicles on the roads in the country. The police service was also asked to always inquire from passengers the conduct of drivers when they are stopped at the various check points to ensure safety on the roads. Mr. Alexander Ayatah, Northern Regional Manager of the Commission was speaking to Fiila News on the commission’s readiness towards the Christmas festive season in the region. In Ghana, the month December is noted to be recording the highest number of fatalities as jubilant people travelled across the country to celebrate the festivity.  According to him, if the road safety job is left on the shoulders of the commission alone, the war against indiscipline and carnages on the roads cannot be wage. Mr. Ayartah therefore called for collaborative efforts from stakeholders and citizens in the country to ensure discipline hence, reduce the souring accidents figures in the region. He also tasked passengers to report reckless drivers to the police, since it a contract between passengers and drivers to send them to their destination safely. On the festive seasons, Mr. Ayartah said education campaigns are ongoing at the various bus terminals across the region to help reduce the accidents situation in the region. Meanwhile, ninety-one (91) out of one hundred and fifty-five (155) people have been killed between January and September this year in the Northern Region alone through motor accident.