Thursday, July 15, 2010



A Team of ICT professionals calling itself Savannah Signatures (SavSign) has bemoaned the low pace of ITC knowledge among teachers in the three northern regions educational institutions.
In a presentation by the Head of ICT Department at St Charles Senior High School, Raphael Nucluse Adomey said the low pace of the ICT knowledge is due a situation where institutions like the Teacher Training Colleges using 1 to 2 semesters to teach teacher trainees ICT to come out to teach ICT in school.
Mr. Raphael Nucluse Adomey, who is also an ICT lecturer at the Bagabaga College of Education, said students are desperate to pass examination than to practically use the theory.
He noted that in this situation teachers do not take pupils through the necessary and detailing syllabus in the educational curriculum.
This was made known at a day Teachers’ Forum on ICT in Tamale.
The idea behind the forum was to give teachers and students in the Tamale Metropolis and its environs especially those who are teaching the opportunity to come together and share their thoughts, concerns, challenges, experiences and the way forward of using ICT.
He therefore indentified lack of any basic infrastructure, chronic shortage of trained teachers, student, teacher ratio among others in the country as the major challenges.
A Survey conducted by SavSign in the three regions of the north to access the state of ICT in schools three years after ICT has been introduced.
From responses given by the teachers it was realized that the highest number of computers that schools had was 6, followed by two and the rest one computer each.
It was also emerged that most students and teachers were not in agreement that ICT should be examinable for lack of equipped ICT facilities in schools.
John Stephen Agbenyo, Team Leader of SavSign called for immediate intervention of government and stakeholders to ensure the speedy recovery of ICT in the country.
He therefore advocate for the one laptop per a school child initiated by the previous government to be revamp and not renege on that dream which he strongly believe will enhance ICT knowledge among students in the country.



The District Chief Executive for Central Gonja District, Sualisu Biawuribe has challenged the Electoral Commission to recruit permanent people as Returning Officers to handle subsequent elections in Ghana.
He noted that the use of temporary staff as election management bodies during elections does not auger well for the much anticipated free, fair and transparent elections which causes electoral disputes.
The Central Gonja DCE raised this concern at a day’s workshop on peaceful district election organized by the National Commission for Civic Education in collaboration with the United Nation’s Development Programme.
He said political tolerance is the only means by which Ghana can consolidate the gains made out of multi party democracy and this in his estimation will enable the nation maintain her rank as the shining Star of Africa.
Mr. Biawuribe therefore urged the participants to educate their relations on the importance of political tolerance in their communities.
The Central Gonja DCE lambasted the media especially local radio talk shows hosts in Tamale for over-sensationalism on matters that are connected to chieftaincy, land and politics.
He stressed that the role the media play in peace-building in the northern region cannot be underestimated but he is saddened about the manner in which the airwaves in recent times have been used as a platform to inflame needless passions and whip up emotions on political, religious and ethnic issues in the societies.
Northern Regional Director of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), Hussein Sulemana said the objective of the ongoing exercise is to sensitize electorates in the northern region on the need to ensure violence free poll before, during and after the upcoming district assembly elections scheduled for the quarter of 2010.
He laid emphasis on the need to adopt tolerance and patience as the panacea to ensure peace and tranquility in their respective communities to attract investors into the district.
Mr. Akoamoah Director of Public Education, Mr. Napoleon Agboda Director of Administration and Mr. Christian Aboagye, Deputy Director of Finance at the NCCE national headquarters supervised the exercise.
The participants included leaders of the various political parties, chiefs, religious and opinion leaders, youth and women groups who were sensitized on topics such as electoral processes in Ghana with particular reference to the dos and don’ts, the district assembly system and the overview of conflict situation in the Tolon-Kumbungu district.



Ten suspects arrested in connection with the murder of Naa Yakubu Andani, the chief of Garizegu in the Tamale Metropolis today Tuesday July 13 appeared in a Tamale District Magistrate Court.
The Garizegu Naa Yakubu Andani was murdered on the Tamale Nyankpala road by unknown assailants on March 22 and 51 suspects were arrested.
Fourty one out of the arrested suspects were later released with one suspect at large.
Mr. Gabriel Marte Teye presided over the case and adjourned it to Monday July 26 as a result of the prosecutor’s plea for enough time to investigate the matter thoroughly.
The presiding Judge before the court sitting warned that he was not going to spare any individual or group of individuals whose actions might have obstructed the judiciary process.
He recounted a guerrilla warfare that ensued between relations of the murdered chief and the accused persons after the last court sittings and said that untoward behavior was totally unacceptable.
There was heavy police presence led by the Tamale Metropolitan police Commander DSP Abanga Caesar to maintain law and order at the court premises.
Naa Yakubu Andani was murdered as a result of his enskinment by the Regent of Sagnarigu as the chief of the Garizegu community which Residents rejected his enskinment.
He was reported to have been murdered on his return from a satellite community near the Garizegu community after visiting a friend.
His murder resulted into the burning of several households and livestock in the Garizegu community.
The community turned into a ghost town and schools were closed for several months due to police search for the murderers.
But sources say there was a security alert for several weeks which fall into death ears before the gruesome incident happened at Garizegu.
The murder of the late Garizegu chief brought several blames on the Mayor of Tamale, Alhaji Haruna Abudualai Friday by residents for his negligence and he was nearly kidnapped and lynched at Sanarigu



Twenty six years old truck pusher, Yahaya Adam of Dagban-Dabba fong a suburb in Tamale Metropolis has been arrested for allegedly having sex with a 16 year old boy who he promised charming money for him in return for the sexual bout.
Eye witness on grounds of anonymity told Fiila News that Yahaya Adam lured the minor into an uncompleted building in Dagban-Dabba fong and threatened to turn him into an animal if he refused having sex with him.
On their arrival, Yahaya Adam was reported to have conjured money before the minor and promised charming plenty money for him with his sperm which convinced the minor and he allowed the truck pusher to penetrate his manhood through his anus.
The minor who could not withstand Yahaya’s sexual aggrandizement screamed for help and by the time rescuers got to the scene, the truck pusher took to his heels and was later accosted by the police.
When contacted, Chief Inspected Ebenezer Tetteh, Public Relations Officer of the northern regional police command confirmed the case to Fiila News and said Yahaya Adam has been charged for defilement.
According Chief Inspector Ebenezer Tetteh, the docket has been sent to the Attorney General’s Department for the appropriate advice.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010



It has been emerged that workers of the Karaga District Assembly including the Coordinating Director always leave Karaga on Fridays and does not also report to work early on Mondays which residents are unpleased with saying it has a lot of negative effect in the development of the area.
The presiding Member for the Karaga District Assembly, Husein Haruna Vasco made this known to the Deputy Northern Regional Minister Sam Nasaamu Asabigi, who is also the acting District Chief Executive for the Karaga District Assembly at the second ordinary meetings of the Assembly.
Mr. Abdulai Sandow and other two DCE’s in the Northern Region were sacked by President due to pressure on him by some Party faithfuls in the constituency who expressed their displeasure to work with the disappointed DCE.
The presiding Member was of the view that absenteeism and for that matter lateness should be stop with immediate effect and appealed to the Acting DCE to help in that direction to address the recent canker that is emerging from the district.
The situation of reporting lateness to work and closing at work before time is a natural phenomenon with most public sector workers in the country.
When Fiila News visited some public sector institutions yesterday as early as 8 am yesterday most workers were not in post and as at 4pm when the News Team made a follow up it was almost like 6pm when worker have totally vacated their post to rest for the next day.
Fiila News therefore suggested that stakeholders involved in this situation should as a matter of agency nib it to salvage the country of losing precious time which could have been used for better work.
Mr. Husein however commended government for assisting farmers in the district to increase food production saying that has improve the living conditions of the people.
On behalf of the entire Assembly, Mr. Husein appealed government to consider rehabilitating the major roads of the area which are in a deplorable nature.
He said the rehabilitation will enable farmers in the area to transport their farm produce to the major market centers.
He also made a passionate appealed to NALAG to fast track the issue of providing all assembly members with motto bikes as their tenure of office will be ending soon.

Lecturer advocates for oil revenue to set up educational fund in the north

Lecturer advocates for oil revenue to set up educational fund in the north

A lecturer at the University for Development studies has urged governments and stakeholders involved in Ghana’s oil revenue to as a matter of urgency set up and educational fund in the north to benefit the youth.
Dr. A.B.T Zakariah who is also the deputy registrar at the university said this will ensure good and quality education where education and development is lacking behind in the country.
Dr. A.B.T Zakariah said this at a workshop organised by Youth Action on Reproductive Order (YARO) in Tamale yesterday to sensitize the public on the challenges of the oil finds and the role of the individual in the sector.
The workshop was under the theme: “promoting Citizens-government engagement for good governance in the management of Ghana’s oil and gas resources for sustainable national development, the role of civil society”.
According to the lecturer, the fund should be discriminately, explaining that areas which are lacking in terms of educational development should be targeted.
The lecturer of the University also urged Ghanaians to as a matter of urgency tackle the challenges of the oil discovery in the country to ensure the effective and efficient utilization of the revenue for the benefit of the youth.
Dr. A.B.T Zakariah observed that the discovery of the commodity poses a great challenge to Ghanaians and needs collaborative efforts to ensure the efficient exploration and utilization of the wealthy commodity.
He also raised concerns about the trooping in of multinational companies which in one way will cause more harm than good to the exploration of the oil and gas in the country.

Online is Dr. A.B.T Zakariah, Deputy Registrar for the University for Development Studies as well as a lecturer at the faculty of..........
CUE IN.........................................................
 It seems government is over concentrating in the oil revenue for the development of the country how detrimental will it be should it not succeed or meet it intended goal?

 What are some of the measure that should be taking to curb the perennial oil curses as in the case of most oil discovery countries and what normally result to these curses?

 Development cannot be heart or triumph where there is instability, what steps should government take for the northern sector to get it share as it is noted to be a conflict prone zone?

 How will you access the current inflow of the multinational companies and what is the impact?
............................................................CUE OUT
Dr. Zakariah also noted that inclusion will be very essential to ensure transparency and accountability of the revenue to the people of the country.
An interview with Dr. A.B.T Zakariah by Saaka Algor on Fiila Fm.


The Youth Action on Reproductive Order (YARO), a Tamale based local Non Governmental Organization in collaboration with the Ghana Research and Advocacy Programme has organized a day’s multi stakeholder youth forum on oil and gas in Tamale.
The forum among other interventions sought to create a platform for the youth and civil society groups to participate in the ongoing national discussions regarding the emerging oil and gas Ghana has explored in large quantities.
Addressing the participants, Hajei Benin, Executive Director of the Youth Action Reproductive Order called on government to actively involve the youth at all levels of the decision making processes to determine the destiny of present and future generations with proceeds from the oil and gas wealth.
He implored Parliament to fast track the passage of the petroleum draft bill into law to hold in check government and all the relevant stakeholders who will be managing the oil and gas wealth.
Hajei Benin said YARO in partnership with the Ghana Research and Advocacy Programme has embarked on series of policy education and advocacy fora across the country with focus on the three regions of the north.
Sam Nasaamu Asabigi, Deputy Northern Regional Minister reiterated government’s pledge to manage wealth that will accrue from the oil and gas sales for the benefit of all citizens.
He therefore challenged the youth of northern Ghana to take advantage of the emerging oil and gas exploration in large quantities by pursuing courses that will make them gain employment in the oil and gas industry.
Dr. A.B.T Zakariah, a Deputy Registrar of University for Development Studies urged government to create a harmonious relationship with the local people and civil society based organizations to ensure accountability and transparency in the disbursement of the oil and gas wealth for nation building.
This in the estimation of Dr. Zakariah will save Ghana from the experiences of oil producing countries in Africa which have been inundated with tensions and civil unrest.
“We need to learn lessons from countries such as Nigeria by working out strategies and mutually acceptable relationships and agreements between government and the people within the geographical locations in Ghana where the oil production is going to take place,” he emphasized.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010



A twenty (20) member census implementation committees for the Nanumba South and the Kpandai districts have been inuagrated at Wulensi and Kpandai respectively with a call on stakeholders especially the committee members to ensure that the exercise succeeds it intended purpose.
The committee each contained ten (10) members are chaired by the two coordinating directors, is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring the success of the 2010 population and housing census in the two districts.
Members of the committee were drawn from various departments including the Electoral Commission among other related organizations in the districts.
Speaking at the inaugural ceremonies the two coordinating directors, B.S. Tampuri and Gaspard Dery stressed that the 2010 census is an indispensable governance tool, required to ensure that democracy works for all and therefore they must not only succeed, but also do a great job.
They said the inauguration of the districts census committees marked the beginning of field operation saying that they have no doubt that the depth of knowledge of skills and competencies needed to successfully conduct the census and ensure the best ever quality results.
The two chairmen therefore called on all stakeholders and other related organizations including the entire assemblies to support the committees for effective implementation of the 2010 census.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Professor Emeritus Archbishop Desmond Tutu has challenged the African Media to save the continent from racial oppression by highlighting negative human practices that affect the socio-economic development of the less privilege in society.
He asserted that the African Journalists lately were backslapping to the directives of their paymasters, a practice he regretted was detrimental to Africa’s quest to meet its liberation by crying with one voice as the theme of this year’s Highway Africa Media Conference dubbed “African voices-in the global media” suggested.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu despite his old age was at his usual best as guest speaker at a dinner organized in Grahamstown as part of activities to climax the 14th edition of this year’s Highway Africa Media Conference.
He recounted days during the Apartheid era when South Africa’s public broadcaster, the South African Broadcasting Corporation was remote controlled by the white leadership and said such times should not be repeated in present day Africa.
Professor Emeritus Desmond Tutu confessed that he never dreamt of Africa hosting such a big event like the 2010 FIFA World Cup Tournament but that South Africa has done it to prove that Africa is more than capable of hosting similar events.
He praised Ghana’s senior national team for making Africa proud by progressing through to the quarter final stage and thereby endorsed the re-branding of the Black Stars as “Africa Stars” in other words known as “BafanaBaGhana.”