Thursday, August 26, 2010



The New Patriotic Party cleared the hurdle of electing its flag bearer for elections 2012 by overwhelmingly retaining its 2008 flag bearer, Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo Addo at the just ended expanded delegates congress to lead the party to victory come 2012.
But the daunting task ahead of the NPP is the selection of Nana Addos’ running mate which some interested groups in the party have started campaigning for their favorite candidates.
Whereas some leading members of the party are calling for Nana Addo/Alan Kyeremanteng ticket, others are of the view that the party should maintain its trade mark of choosing a northerner to seal the deal which could demystify the widespread misconception that the NPP is an Akan party.
Latest to join the bandwagon is London based leading member of the NPP, Iddrisu Musah Superior who is calling for retention of the Nana Addo and Mahamud Bawumia ticket for solid victory in 2012.
Iddrisu Musah Superior describes the Nana Addo/Bawumia Ticket as a perfect combination and warns that any attempt to change the ticket might create damages to the NPP’s forward march to wrestle power from the NDC in 2012.
Buttressing his point, he said the NPP needed no change to the 2008 ticket since that was what gave the party upper hand over the NDC during the first round with 49.77%.
“Our great party does not need to look elsewhere to choose a qualified running mate to partner Nana Addo our flagbearer when Dr. Mahamud Bawumia is already marketed, tested and proven to be a good Vice President,” Superior explained.

According to Iddrisu Musah Superior who is lacing his boots to contest the Tamale Central Constituency seat in 2012, retaining Nana Addo and Dr. Bawumia will confirm the NPP’s consistency and appreciation to the two gentle men who led the party into the 2008 and narrowly lost to the NDC.

“We have to celebrate their achievement, encourage and support this viable ticket: I also argue that the Nana/Bawumia partnership is very well known by Ghanaians,” he maintained.

He said retaining the old ticket will as well save the party from creating division over the selection of a new running mate to partner Nana Addo for the 2012 elections.

“Bawumia’s retention is hugely significant as the election of Nana Addo: I hope Nana and the Party would accept him on the Presidential ballot for the greater interest of the Party as we get set to re-introduce the Party to the people Ghana,” Superior stressed .

He rubbished the calls for South/south ticket and hinted that it will be politically suicidal if the party leadership heeds to such calls and that such a situation will create more room for the NDC to say the NPP is not northern friendly.

Musah Superior said Ghana needed a world renowned economist like Dr. Bawumia to salvage the dwindling economy from total collapse due to the NDC’s mismanagement of the nation’s scarce resources.


Yendi Constituency leadership of opposition New Patriotic Party has congratulated the party’s newly elected Presidential candidate for elections 2012, Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo Ado on his overwhelming endorsement at the just ended delegates congress.
The statement disclosed that Nana Addos 99% endorsement by delegates in the Yendi Constituency meant that party supporters regretted for their actions that led to the NPP’s loss of the Yendi seat which has been its traditional stronghold in the northern region since time immemorial.
At a news conference addressed by Fuseini Bawah Zakariah Kpana, the constituency Secretary, he assured Nana Addo of the leadership’s determination to recapture the Yendi seat from the ruling NDC whose candidate won the seat at the last elections which he attributed to lack of unity among members.
Fuseini Zakariah gave the assurance that the Yendi seat will be delivered to the NPP in 2012 which in his estimation will be replicated at the national level to kick the NDC out of power.
He commended the other four defeated aspirants for declaring their unflinching support to Nana Addo and therefore appealed to all party supporters to bury their differences for victory 2012.
He described Nana Akufo Addo as a time tested and a matured politician who has the expertise to salvage Ghana’s economy from the mess that the NDC government has plunged it into since assuming office in 2009.
The Yendi constituency NPP Secretary lambasted the President John Mills’ led NDC administration over what he described as the selective justice meted out to rival Abudus in handling the Dagbon crisis and said the government has created an-indelible mark on the brains of the Abudus.


The Gonjaland Youth Association has rubbished recent media reports that the association slammed the Overlord of Gonjaland, Yagbon-Wura Sulemana Tuntunba Borisa over decisions that he took in relation to the Buipe chieftaincy affair and other related issues in Gonjaland.
With specific reference to Wednesday edition of the Today newspaper captioned “Gonjaland Youth Association slams Yagbon-Wura” which was also captured by the Chronicle newspaper, leadership of the association described the said publications as baseless and dumfounded which should be treated with the contempt that it deserves.
Mr. Bakari Nyari, President of the Gonjaland Youth Association at a news conference held at the Pioneer Lodge in Tamale denied knowledge of the association ever slamming the Yagbon-Wura and expressed the association’s disquiet about recent falsehood reportage by a cross section of the Ghanaian media on matters in-connection with the tussle over the Buipe chieftaincy affair and its unfolding events.
He challenged the media to be circumspect in their reportage especially when highlighting issues concerning chieftaincy and other related matters emanating from the Gonjaland Traditional Council.
He reaffirmed the association’s unflinching support to the Yagbon-Wura and the Gonjaland Traditional Council in its bid to make citizens of the area productive and industrious.
Mr. Nyari however cautioned citizens of Gonjaland against rushing to the media to articulate their grievances and resort to the use of the designated traditional channels in settling their differences.
He further urged all peace loving and development oriented citizens particularly the youth of Gonjaland to snub persons sowing seeds of rancor in their respective communities and concentrate on gaining higher academic laurels as their major priority to move the Gonjaland Traditional Area forward.


With the approval of the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority Bill into law which awaits Presidential assent, participants at the 2nd Shea Multi-Stakeholders day one sitting in Tamale have repeated calls on government to place premium on the shea industry same as the level of importance attached to the cocoa industry.
They expressed worry about the sector being the least developed with its potentials underutilized by successive governments though the shea industry is regarded as one of the great potentials which could go a long way to reduce the astronomical poverty levels in the three regions of the north.
The participants further bemoaned that while the cocoa sector has been developed to the World export level, little or no attention has been given the shea industry which should be a national concern.
In an exclusive interview at the forum, Mr. Roy Ayariga, National Coordinator of the Northern Growth Development Programme disclosed the African Development Bank’s financial commitment to support the shea sector with 62 million Dollars to improve the industry.
According to him, the money will be used for infrastructural expansion comprising roads, bridges and facilities that are needed to improve the socio-economic well being of residents of less developed shea producing communities in northern Ghana.
He also announced IFAD’s pledge of additional 22 million Dollar package to improve production, extension services, processing, marketing, research and access to micro finance credit.
Giving an overview of the forum, Madam Rose Tanzile, Coordinator of the National Shea Network said the platform was created to brainstorm and make commendations to government and multinational companies in the shea industry to set the pace for a more coordinated approach to develop the industry.
She outlined key issues including inadequate skills training on nuts picking and processing, rapid reduction in tree numbers with little effort for replacement, poor budgetary allocation for the sector’s development and lack of specific comprehensive policy framework to support the shea sector as some of the challenges the industry been bedeviled with over the years.
Mr. Roy Ayariga was emphatic that a chunk of the money will be used to support women who have died out of snake bites and other deadly reptiles who feed on the shea nuts they go to pick from the bush.
He added that the value chain approach which was instituted by the Northern Growth Development Programme in collaboration financial institutions to provide cashless support to farmers in northern Ghana is on course.
He explained that the programme aimed at assisting the beneficiary farmers to increase the cultivation of maize, soya bean and sorghum for adequate supply to industrial buyers.
Mr. Roy Ayariga mentioned companies such as the Accra Brewery Limited, Bosbel Oil producers and the Ghana Nuts company that are ready with cash to buy in large quantities maize, soya bean and sorghum for commercial production.
Among other resource persons, Dr. Joshua A. Yidana of the University for Development Studies and Dr. Ameyaw of CRIG implored government to engage the services of researchers to come out with useful findings that will help actors in the industry make informed decisions as means of catching up with far advanced players in the cocoa industry.


As an annual ritual during Ramadan, the Northern Regional Coordinating Council on behalf of government donated hundreds of bags of sugar to about 56 Mosques’, chiefs and other social groupings in the Tamale Metropolis.
Notable among the beneficiary groups are the Tamale Central Mosque, the Ambariya Mosque, the Salawaatiya and AlBayan Mosques’ as well as the Chief of Tamale, the Gukpegu Regent and the Zongo Chief.
The Tamale Central and Ambariya Mosques’ received a quantity of 10 bags of sugar each whereas the remaining beneficiaries received some appreciable quantities.
Making the presentation at the Tamale Central Mosque, Alhaji Abudulai Harunah Friday, Mayor of Tamale on behalf of government commended the Muslim community for its role in nation building hence the donation.
He said government was appreciative of the standard of intra-religious tolerance experienced in the region and concluded that situation had contributed to the relative peace residents have enjoyed so far.
Alhaji Friday said government was committed to achieving the Better Ghana Agenda and called on the citizens to co-exist peacefully for accelerated development.
Laying much emphasis on peace, he also appealed to the youth of Dagbon to reconcile and re-channel their resources into productive ventures that will move the Dagbon State forward but in the right direction.
Chairman of the Central Mosque Committee, Alhaji Abdallah Hindu thanked government for the kind gesture and prayed for peace and tranquility for the realization of the Better Ghana Agenda.
He assured government of the Muslim Ulamah’s unflinching cooperation with other development partners to improve the socio-economic progress of residents of the entire northern region.



Madam Olivia Yahaya, Northern Regional Coordinator of the Ghana School Feeding Programme has disclosed government’s readiness to expand the programme in September this year to cover more schools in the country.
She regretted that only 125 out of a total number of 1,913 kindergarten and primary schools located in the northern region are benefitting from the Ghana School Feeding Programme which she said will be a thing of the past when the expansion programme becomes operative.
Madam Olivia Yahaya dropped the hint at a day’s sensitization programme held in Tamale for all Caterers and Cooks working under the Ghana School Feeding Programme in the entire northern region.
According to her, one of the major challenges of the Ghana School Feeding Programme since its inception in 2005 is lack of adequate information regarding the roles and responsibilities of the key stakeholders of the programme and that explained why the nationwide workshop was organized in Tamale.
She said northern region stands to benefit more from the expansion programme when it takes off as government is determined to eradicate poverty, hunger and malnutrition which are characteristic of the impoverished school going age children in rural communities.
This in the estimation of Madam Olivia Yahaya will increase domestic food production, improve the low income levels of poor rural households and as well boost the health and nutritional needs of school children.
Madam Olivia bemoaned that certain inaccuracies comprising poor food quality, lack of supervision, unhygienic cooking environments among others were uncovered by her outfit during its monitoring and supervision exercises.
She therefore warned that her office will not countenance such behavioral changes have the tendency of thwarting government’s effort to make the Programme play its pivotal role as an integral element of meeting the UN Millennium Development Goals.
For his part, Mr. Sam Nasaamu Asabigi, Deputy Northern Regional Minister challenged the service providers to treat the school children like theirs by feeding them on the required balanced diet.
He encouraged them to buy the food commodities direct from the local farmers in communities where they operate to enable them improve their financial capacities.
This, the Deputy Northern Regional Minister noted will encourage the farmers to keep their children in school.
Miss Mary Baisie, Head of Health and Nutrition of the Ghana School Feeding Programme at the headquarters underscored the need for the service providers to improve their hygienic conditions.
She explained that the exercise is a nationwide training programme that seeks to educate the service providers on measures that will improve their services towards the reduction of hunger, malnutrition and other accompanying hazards that are inimical to the GSFP achievements.
Madam Mary implored them to render their services in line with the National Secretariat’s forward march to ensure that all children of school going age at the basic level are fed on balanced diet that will make them grow to become useful citizens.