Saturday, July 9, 2011


Hawkers at the weekend cry blood as the Metropolitan Assembly led by the Metropolitan Chief Executive vehemently embarked on a massive demolishing exercise around the Tamale Sports Stadium. Alhaji Haruna Abdulai Friday, popularly known as Alizini told our newsmen that the kiosks and other structures, which were built around the premises are an authorized structures which must be remove from the ceremonial road. He said notices were served on them on May 5th, 2011 and on May 21, 2011 to quit but they refused to do so. The demolishing exercise, which has so far affected over 50 structures started at the stadium roundabout to the Hill-Top roundabout worth Millions of cedis. According to the Mayor there will be a monitoring exercise to ensure that the structures do not spring up again. The Hawkers, who were visibly angry, told our Newsmen they do not have anywhere to go to as hawking is their only source of livelihood. Mr.Abdul-Rahaman Iddrisu, a Hawker, pleaded with the Metropolitan Assembly to help them get a place where they can settle with their kiosk to earn a leaving. A disabled man who was also affected by the demolishing exercise could not withstand the pain and the amount invested into his kiosk bust into tears while confronting the Mayor on his tricycle chair. As to how the hawkers acquired the land in the area, they claimed the Chief of Nyohini sold the pieces of land at a cost of 300 Ghana ceids for them but as whether they have acquired permit from the Metropolitan assembly, they remained mute to our reporters on the grounds. Mr. Issah Musah, Public Relation Officer of the Tamale Metropolitan Assembly, said plans are far advanced to allocate the hawkers to the Kalpohini and the Kuakuo markets.


The Mayor of Tamale, Alhaji Haruna Abdulai Friday has reiterated the need for residence to cherish peace to ensure socio-economic development in the Metropolis and the region as a whole. He said shambles in the metropolis for some years ago has painted a bad image on the metropolis which has scared investors from investing in the metropolis. He was however smart to say that the extreme peace and unity among the people recently is now convincing a wide range of investor to the fastest growing city in West Africa. The made said this at the second anniversary celebration of the Behisung Youth Association at Aboaboo market. He appealed to the youth to advocate for peace, unity, tolerance and understanding among each other for they are the future leaders of the country. The association which was set up 2006 is made up mainly traders, farmers and renowned businessmen have a membership of 45 with the objective of fostering peace and unity, nurse the motherless and see to the welfare of its members. The association as part of it cooperate social responsibility has carried out a lot of humanitarian service at the Nyohini Ophanage, Savelugu Ophanage, among other under prevelege societies in the region. The Secretary of Behisung Association, Issahaku Iddrisu in a speech said the association has chalked many successes since their establishment though there are obstacles on their way but they have managed to overcome some. According to the Secretary, the association has observed the most striking issues confronting the region are high rate of school dropout, teenage pregnancy and arm robbery among the youth saying, these escalating menace are as a result of lack of proper parenting, high rate of unemployment, lack of sensitization programs. They therefore appealed to individuals, cooperate bodies, Non-Governmental Organizations and benevolent organization to come to the aid of the association to continue with its humanitarian works across the region.


Some Journalists drawn from the three northern regions of Ghana have attended a
workshop in Tamale under the topic reducing conflict through peace journalism.
The workshop spearheaded by Tamale based media consultancy firm called the
Rural Media Network (RUMNET) among other things sought to school the
participants on the dynamics of conflicts in northern Ghana.
It also aimed at reminding them of their critical role towards reducing
conflicts in the three northern regions through responsible journalism.
Resource persons from the West Africa Network for Peace Building took the
participants through relevant topics such intelligence gathering, conflict
prevention, types of conflict and peace building mechanisms.
Delivering his keynote address, Abdallah Kassim, Executive Director of the
Rural Media Network (RUMNET) reiterated the need for Ghanaian Journalists to be
circumspect in their reportage on the pervasive conflicts that have inundated
the three northern regions. He acknowledged the important role the media plays in conflict prevention and peace building which he said has the capacity of promoting peace or triggering
conflicts. He thereby underscored the need for the media to cultivate the habit of
searching for accurate and reliable sources of information on conflict
situations.“The media has both the capacity to promote peace and to trigger the escalation
of conflict and violence which will have adverse effects on the society and
influence the behaviour of individuals and interest groups: it is against this
backdrop I am pleading with you to refrain from acts that will influence the
behaviour of individuals and interest groups to spark conflict in their
communities.” Abdallah Kassim claimed that some Ghanaian Journalists lacked comprehensive
knowledge on the conflict situations in northern Ghana and sometimes misinforms
the public through their sensational reportage. “The power of the media require Journalist to think ahead of how their reportage can influence the dynamics of conflicts and create new ones: it is
for this reason I call on Editors and Journalists to be conflict-sensitive and
take full responsibility for their actions” Abdallah Kassim stated.
The participants including Citi Fm’s Upper West Regional Correspondent Mahama
Latif, Samuel Akapule of the Ghana News Agency and Joy Fm’s Northern Regional
Correspondent Mahama Shaibu expressed their delight about the workshop and
pledged their commitment to share the knowledge gained with their colleagues
who did not get the opportunity to attend.


Members of the Progressive Action Youth of the NDC in Tamale who recently
attacked the Tamale Mayor’s office in protest against a decongestion exercise
carried by the assembly have commended government for releasing $25 million US
Dollars as seed capital for the successful implementation of projects earmarked
under the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority.
The group said government’s financial commitment towards the smooth
implementation of the SADA programmes indicated that President John Mills was
really committed to bridging the north-south divide on developmental lines.
In a press statement signed by Abdul Fasit Osman, Secretary to the Progressive
Action Youth of the NDC expressed the group’s confidence in the NDC
administration’s forward march to transform the socio-economic development of
the rural poor in northern Ghana.
He therefore called on all well meaning Ghanaians particularly those of
northern decent to rise above petty squabbles and support government and its
development partners to improve the living conditions of northerners.
Abdul Fasit alluded that the Northern Youth for Peace and Development (NYUPED)
which threatened a massive demonstration against government over its delay in
implementing the SADA policy was financed by the opposition NPP to divert the
NDC government’s attention from its Better Ghana Agenda.
“The vile attempt by the so-called Northern Ghana Youth for Peace and
Development sponsored by its paymasters the NPP to antagonize the good people
of northern Ghana and the NDC government especially the Vice President John
Dramani Mahama should be ignored” he stated.
Abdul Fasit challenged the Northern Youth for Peace and Development and other
likeminded bodies to stop issuing “Empty threats” and offer constructive
suggestions to government to uplift the image of northern Ghana throuth its
well tailored programmes.


The Northern sector Manager of a Non Governmental Organization called the
Chiropractic Around the World has stated that the northern region would remain
under-developed unless majority of the citizens were willing to change their
attitudes to attract investors to the area.
Adam Suale said a lot of investors were scared to invest in northern Ghana
because of the prevalent conflict situation, hence the vital need for
northerners especially the youth to change their disposition.
He was addressing members of the Tamale Keep Fit Clubs at the end of a peace
walk sponsored by the Spinal Clinic in Tamale.

Adam Suale persisted that the youth of northern Ghana should concentrate on
acquiring knowledge and abstain from unconstructive practices that undermine
their socio-economic development.
On the significance of the Spinal Clinic which was established by Dr. Bryan
Cox in Tamale with an outlet in the Upper East Region, he said it was meant to
educate citizens of northern Ghana on the importance of the spine as an
integral part of the human structure.
He called on citizens of northern Ghana to patronize the Spinal Clinic because
its clients are educated on health habits such as rest, drinking plenty but
wholesome water, exercising and keeping a positive mental attitude.
Alhaji Mohammed Zaman, Chairman of the Northern Regional Keep Fit Clubs was
impressed about the attendance and pleaded with the participants to encourage
their peers to cultivate the habit of doing regular exercise.
He said the Keep Fit Clubs were established in Tamale to bring interested
residents together to forge ahead in unity though in diversity.
Alhaji Zaman was glad that the Clubs members who came from different
backgrounds were more disciplined and united than ever.
The peace walk which is a monthly event organized by the Spinal Clinic in
collaboration with the Tamale Keep Fit Clubs aims at promoting peace and to
educate residents of the area on the importance of living healthier lives.


Some markets in Accra and other parts of the southern sector are likely to
experience the shortage of yam and other food stuffs grown in the northern
region as a result of vehicle owners threat to withdraw their services.

Heavy truck owners who are members of the Yendi branch of the Ghana Private
Road and Transport Union took this decision at a news conference organized to
express their frustration over what they described as exorbitant charges by
authorities of the Axle weight load station at Yapei in the Central Gonja
Mr. Abdul-Majeed Hamidu Cheindow Farika who doubles as Secretary to the Yendi
branch of the GPRTU of the Trades Union Congress and the Yendi Cooperative
Farmers and Marketing Society commented that charges at the Axle weight load
station in Yapei were above the required charges spelt out by the Ministry of
Road and Highways.
Comparing the charges, Mr. Cheindow revealed that Axle weight stations in
Kumasi, Accra and Tema by the approved amount charge charges 39 tonnes for
three axle vehicles whereas at the Yapei station the same vehicles weighing 21
tonnes pay equal amount.
The Secretary to the Yendi Branch of the GPRU of the TUC described that
practice as unfair and made a passionate appeal to the Minister for Road and
Highway to intervene or else they will withdraw their services anytime soon.


NDC youth group in Tamale called the John and John Chapter II has cautioned the
party’s founder Jerry John Rawlings against any direct insults on President
John Evans Atta Mills and Vice President John Dramani Mahama on Saturday at the
June 4th Anniversary in Kumasi.
Speaking at the official campaign launch of his wife Nana Konadu Agyemang
Rawling’s Presidential ambition, the NDC founder Jerry Rawlings said he
reserved his comments for the June 4th Anniversary where he is expected to
disgrace the Mills-Mahama led NDC administration.
But the John and John Chapter II NDC youth group in Tamale has vowed to
denigrate the NDC founder if he fails to be modest in his speech at the June
4th Anniversary in Kumasi.
Adam A. Basit, Spokesperson of the group gave the caution at a news conference
in Tamale where he called on former President Jerry John Rawlings to respect
the Presidency.
He warned that any attempt to further undermine the President and his Vice at
the June 4th Anniversary will not be tolerated.
“We are calling on our party’s founder to hold his fire because any attempt to
insult or undermine the integrity of the two Johns will not be tolerated” he

He said the group members were disappointed in the NDC founder’s incessant
derogatory remarks about some top government officials including President
Mills and his Vice John Dramani Mahama.
Adam A. Basit described anybody or group of individuals within the NDC whose
major priority is to cause the party’s defeat in 2012 as its enemy of progress
and urged all party loyalists to shun such personalities in their fold.
He commended the Mills-Mahama led NDC administration for its sterling
performance over the last two years and believed that Ghanaians will give the
party another chance in 2012 to complete its Better Ghana Agenda.
Adam Basit said no individual in the NDC could claim credit for the party’s
2008 victory and is convinced that the two Johns will deliver victory for the
party in 2012.
He warned that that any attempt to change the John and John ticket will affect
the NDC’S electoral fortune in 2012.



Records have shown that reported cases of domestic violence collated by the
northern regional Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ)
have been committed by women than men in their communities.

The offenders by the records have being accused of committing major crimes such
as forced/early marriage, child molestation and character assassination through

CHRAJ also kicked against the habitual settlement of cases of domestic violence
by the traditional authorities especially in rural communities rather than
reporting such cases to the appropriate legal bodies.

Mr. Stephen Azantilow, northern regional Director of the Commission on Human
Rights and Administrative Justice dropped this hint at Wayamba, a suburb of the

He was addressing a community durbar on the Domestic Violence Law jointly
organized by the Urban Agricultural Network (UrbaNet) and CHRAJ with sponsorship
from Action-Aid Ghana.

He advised the people to stop entertaining what he referred to as “Psychological
fear” in them by going beyond the traditional approach of settling cases of
domestic violence and report such cases to the authorized agencies.

Mr. Stephen Azantilow pleaded with especially the women to stop maltreating
their maid servants and treat them like their biological children seeing that
the proper development of the child is everybody’s responsibility.

Answering questions from the people, Mr. Azantilow urged to them to refrain from
denying women and children their right to inheritance.

He also underscored the need for parents to allow their female grown-ups to
search for their partners rather than forcing them to marry men against their
marriage rights.


Available statistics indicate that successive governments financial commitment
towards the promotion of Reproductive Health in Ghana is on the decline since

The statistics depicted that government’s contribution towards that drive is
far below 25%.

This worrying situation is affecting the remarkable efforts made by the Ghana
Health Service, the Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana in collaboration
with Non Governmental Organizations whose programmes are geared towards
deepening awareness creation on Reproductive Health in Ghanaian societies.

In view of this, some concerned bodies have expressed their deepest worry about

rate at which the advocacy on Reproductive Health is sinking in Ghana.

This came to light a day’s regional Reproductive Health Fair dubbed “It is time
to take charge” organized by the Northern Sector Action on Awareness Centre
(NORSAAC) in Tamale.

Alhassan Mohammed Awal, Executive Director of the Northern Sector Action on
Awareness Centre (NORSAAC) an NGO implored government to place premium on
Reproductive Health activities by increasing its financial commitment towards
that drive.

“In view of the declining donor support: government now has the clear
responsibility to move from donorship to ownership in the area of Reproductive
Health supplies particularly contraceptives” he emphasized.

Alhassan Mohammed Awal expressed his organization’s fear that Ghana might not
meet her Millennium Development Goals especially the MDG’s 4 and 5 if vigorous
measures are not put in place to increase funding for Reproductive Health

He therefore made several recommendations among which NORSAAC asked government
to invest in family planning and contraceptive security by incorporating
it into the national budget.

Alhassan Mohammed Awal also underscored the need for government to review its
economic policies to prioritize family planning and contraceptive security in
Ghana through which the various Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies
should allocate funds to sponsor Reproductive Health programmes.

Chief Alhassan Issahaku Amadu Bomaha-Naa, the northern regional population
Officer chaired the Fair which attracted stakeholders from the District
Assemblies, the Ghana Health Service, NGOS, religious groupings and the academia
and they were later taken through some exhibition stands.


A five day training workshop on promoting equal rights in schools spearheaded
by Action-Aid Ghana is underway in Tamale.
Among other objectives, the workshop aims at gathering sufficient data that
will enable Action-Aid Ghana and its allied bodies develop a comprehensive
action plan vital for mainstreaming child participation in the network on
promoting rights in Ghanaian schools.
Participants attending the workshop are from the Ghana Education Service, the
Campaign for Female Education, the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs and
the Department of Social Welfare among other major stakeholders.
Speaking to Citi News on the sidelines at the opening ceremony, Adwoa
Kwateng-Kluvuitse, Country Director of Action Aid Ghana said the nation had
made significant gains in the area of promoting child rights as part of her
Millennium Development Goals though some major challenges were yet to be
She complained about the increasing number of children dropping out of school
at the basic level and called for a collective approach to resolve the problem.
Adwoa Kwateng-Kluvuitse attributed the falling standard of education in
especially underserved communities in northern Ghana to lack of qualified
teachers, inadequate infrastructure and the absence of teaching and learning
She said the situation was generally unacceptable for which reason government
and her development partners should ensure that every Ghanaian child of school
going age has access to quality but affordable education irrespective of
his/her geographical location.
For her part, Dorothy Konadu, Action-Aid Ghana’s Education Policy Advisor
maintained that girls should be enpowered through education to defend and
protect their rights at all levels in the society.
She described young girls as the most vulnerable whose fundamental human rights
have usually been compressed in the communities for which reason Action-Aid
Ghana established the community Based Anti Violence Teams (COMBAT) to tackle
the situation.
Dorothy Konadu reaffirmed the organization’s commitment to ensure that the
rights of Ghanaian children to quality education would be met across board.


Worried NDC youth group in Tamale identified as Friends of Democracy,
Development and Continuity has called on the party’s Council of Elders to use
all available internal mechanisms to convince Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings and
Dr. Ekwow Spio Gabrah not to contest the flag bearership congress slated for
July 8 to 10.
The NDC Friends of Democracy, Development and Continuity believe that it is
never too late for the NDC Council of Elders to plead with Nana Konadu Agyemang
Rawlings and Dr. Ekwow Spio Gabrah to rescind their decision and rally their
support behind President John Evans Atta Mills to retain power in 2012.
Seeing that the party could disintegrate after the July congress, the group
warned that the NDC risked losing the 2012 general elections if Nana Konadu
Agyemang Rawlings and Dr. Ekwow Spio Gabrah contest the party’s flag bearership
with President John Mills.
Adam Iddrisu Nbelayim, Secretary to the NDC Friends of Democracy, Development
and Continuity made the call at a news conference in Tamale.
He expressed the group members displeasure about the internal strife between
supporters of the Get Atta Mills Endorsed (GAME) and Friends of Nana Konadu
Agyemang Rawlings (FONKAR) camps for which reason all efforts must be made to
reconcile the feuding factions ahead of the 2012 general elections.
Adam Iddrisu Nbelayim said the Mills-Mahama led NDC administration which
Ghanaians have commended for its sterling performance in the last two and half
deserved another four year term to complete its unfinished Better Ghana agenda
He recounted the construction and rehabilitation of the Tamale Teaching
Hospital, the extension of rural electrification, the construction of feeder
roads, agricultural transformation and the expansion of school infrastructure
nationwide as some of the achievements of the Mills-Mahama led NDC
According to the NDC Friends of Democracy, Development and Continuity
Secretary, any NDC Presidential candidate for 2016 will find it easy to retain
power based on the legacy of the current government.


An amalgamation of NDC youth groups drawn from the three northern regions loyal
to Dr. Spio Gabrah and calling itself the Northern Friends of Spio Gabrah
(NFSG) says it will be disappointed in their Presidential hopeful if he pulls
out of the hot flag bearership contest between the incumbent President John
Evans Atta Mills and former first lady Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings.
The group is convinced that Dr. Spio Gabrah can win the election slated for
July 8 to 10 for which reason he should not make any attempt to pull out of the
“We the Northern Friends of Spio Gabrah from the three Northern Regions are
satisfied with the picking of nomination forms by our preferred candidate Dr.
Ekwow Spio Gabrah to contest the flagbearership race with President Mills and
Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings.”
Mohammed Mubarik, Secretary to the Northern Friends of Spio Gabrah group on
behalf of the entire membership took this stand in a press statement issued to
debunk calls on Dr. Spio Gabrah to pull out and support Nana Konadu Agyemang
Rawling’s bid.
He is optimistic that NDC delegates will vote massively for Dr. Ekwow Spio
Gabrah during the flag bearership election following the open insults and
personality attacks by members of the Get Atta Mills Endorsed and Friends of
Nana Konadu camps.
“We wish to remind the delegates to observe the uncouth behaviour of some
members of the GAME and FONKAR camps and make an informed decision by electing
a winnable and the best candidate for our party at the July congress: and that
fellow should be someone who can win floating votes in 2012 general election.”
Mohammed Mubarik described Dr. Spio Gabrah as unifier and the only savior who
can unite all NDC members after the congress to retire the NPP flag bearer Nana
Akufo Addo in 2012.
“Dr. Ekwow Spio Gabrah should be given the nod to unite both camps in order to
propel the party to retain power come 2012 elections as he started his unity
campaign by paying a courtesy call on the ex-president last at his private
residence on Tuesday 05” he emphasized.
The Northern Friends of Spio Gabrah Secretary reiterated the need for the
party’s leadership to expand the Electoral College ahead of the July congress.
This in his estimation will convince the aspirants and their supporters to
believe the outcome of the congress which is expected to be conducted in a
free, fair and transparent manner.
Mohammed Mubarik also maintained that whoever will emerge as the winner cannot
win the 2012 general elections without the blessing of the NDC founder former
President Jerry John Rawlings.


Hon. Alhassan Fuseini, District Chief Executive for Gushegu has reminded the
assembly members of their responsibility to promote peace and unity among the
residents. He was grateful that maximum peace had returned to the district but maintained that much was desired of the assembly members to preserve it in their
respective communities. Hon. Fuseini Alhassan was speaking at a two day capacity building and orientation course organized by the District Assembly for all the 36 members. He emphasized the need for assembly members to advance towards promoting businesses of the house on bi-partisan lines to speed up the district’s
development agenda. According to him, the assembly has so many outstanding issues to deliberate on which requires their presence at all its meetings.
Hon. Fuseini Alhassan impressed upon the assembly members to work hard and
retain their seats after their tenure of office elapses.
The Gushegu DCE used the occasion and appealed to the clergy, opinion and
political leaders in the area to inculcate good morals in the youth whose
potentials are needed to develop the district.