Saturday, July 9, 2011


Some Journalists drawn from the three northern regions of Ghana have attended a
workshop in Tamale under the topic reducing conflict through peace journalism.
The workshop spearheaded by Tamale based media consultancy firm called the
Rural Media Network (RUMNET) among other things sought to school the
participants on the dynamics of conflicts in northern Ghana.
It also aimed at reminding them of their critical role towards reducing
conflicts in the three northern regions through responsible journalism.
Resource persons from the West Africa Network for Peace Building took the
participants through relevant topics such intelligence gathering, conflict
prevention, types of conflict and peace building mechanisms.
Delivering his keynote address, Abdallah Kassim, Executive Director of the
Rural Media Network (RUMNET) reiterated the need for Ghanaian Journalists to be
circumspect in their reportage on the pervasive conflicts that have inundated
the three northern regions. He acknowledged the important role the media plays in conflict prevention and peace building which he said has the capacity of promoting peace or triggering
conflicts. He thereby underscored the need for the media to cultivate the habit of
searching for accurate and reliable sources of information on conflict
situations.“The media has both the capacity to promote peace and to trigger the escalation
of conflict and violence which will have adverse effects on the society and
influence the behaviour of individuals and interest groups: it is against this
backdrop I am pleading with you to refrain from acts that will influence the
behaviour of individuals and interest groups to spark conflict in their
communities.” Abdallah Kassim claimed that some Ghanaian Journalists lacked comprehensive
knowledge on the conflict situations in northern Ghana and sometimes misinforms
the public through their sensational reportage. “The power of the media require Journalist to think ahead of how their reportage can influence the dynamics of conflicts and create new ones: it is
for this reason I call on Editors and Journalists to be conflict-sensitive and
take full responsibility for their actions” Abdallah Kassim stated.
The participants including Citi Fm’s Upper West Regional Correspondent Mahama
Latif, Samuel Akapule of the Ghana News Agency and Joy Fm’s Northern Regional
Correspondent Mahama Shaibu expressed their delight about the workshop and
pledged their commitment to share the knowledge gained with their colleagues
who did not get the opportunity to attend.

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