Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Hon. Adam Mutawakil, District Chief Executive for West Gonja in the northern region says he is not disconcerted about political machinations hatched by groups he described as “Government saboteurs’ to divert his attention from delivering the NDC’s Better Ghana agenda. He says some opposition elements in the district are nervous over the President John Mills led NDC administration’s unprecedented record it has so far set in terms of the numerous development projects that have been executed, while some ongoing ones were almost complete in the West Gonja district. The West Gonja DCE was reacting to threats made by the opposition New Patriotic Party youth group called NPP Nyunsum Youth Association in Mankarigu to mobilize residents of Mankarigu, Yagbon and Lukula communities to demonstrate against the Mills-Mahama led NDC administration. Amadu Haruna, Head of Zonal Communication team of the NPP’s 2012 campaign in Mankarigu at a news conference said the group’s intension was largely informed by what appeared to be the total neglect of Mankarigu, Yagbon and the Lukula communities despite the residents massive support for the NDC during the 2008 elections. He described the NDC as “Promise and fail” party in government which should be rejected in 2012. But Hon. Adam Mutawakil in an exclusive interview with Citi News described the group’s claims as “Baseless and dumfounded” which must be treated with the contempt that it deserved. In reference to some projects which the New Patriotic Party youth group called NPP Nyunsum Youth Association in Mankarigu gave credit to the erstwhile NPP administration, the West Gonja DCE proved that about 80 percent of the said projects were executed during the NDC 1&2 regimes. “Most of the boreholes they claim were provided during the NPP regime were in fact constructed during NDC 1&2: when I came into office some of the abandoned projects by the NPP including 2 No. 1, 6 unit classroom blocks have been built at Sakpege and Sankpala.” “These projects were completed by this current NDC administration in 2009 and I can boast that Mankarigu and its satellite communities are among the first beneficiary communities in this district” he stressed. Hon. Adam Mutawakil further disclosed that basic school pupils in Mankarigu and its surrounding communities benefitted from the free school uniforms and text books distribution exercise. He hinted that construction work on culverts to link Mankarigu and Yagbon to other parts of the region was progressing while a solar street lighting system project for Sankpala, Sakpege, Lukula, Mankarigu Yagbon and Minpeasem is almost complete. “These solar lighting systems are mounted at vantage locations such that evil minded persons cannot execute their nefarious activities at night especially in schools, health centres, chief palaces and the market centres” he explained.


Government has donated a large consignment of assorted accessories to victims of the Nakpanduri raid by security operatives during their search for notorious Armed-Robber Johnson Kombian. The donation valued at 300,000 Ghana cedis comprised 400 bags of rice, 400 bags of maize, 400 bags of beans, 300 packets of roofing sheets, 50 packets of roofing nails, 500 blankets, 200 lanterns, 600 drinking cups, 60 bales of used clothing and 60 mats. It augmented similar donations made earlier by the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) following incessant attacks on government by the affected persons for what appeared to be their total neglect. Dr. Benjamin Kumbour, the Minister for Interior led a high powered government delegation to Nakpanduri where he presented the donation to the chief of the area for onward distribution to the beneficiaries. The Interior Minister admitted that there were some excesses during the security raid and honorably apologized to the chiefs and people of the area particularly those who were traumatized by that circumstance. Dr. Kumbour assured the victims of more donations and encouraged the people of Nakpanduri keep faith in government as plans are far advanced to develop the area to an appreciable standard. He disclosed government’s intension to increase the police services manpower strength by training about 2,500 more police personnel in 2012. He also added that plans are afoot to import about 700 brand new vehicles to empower the patrol teams to combat Armed-Robbery and other related crimes that have endangered national security lately. Dr. Benjamin Kumbour later inspected an ongoing district police station project valued at 66,000 Ghana cedis. The Nakpanduri chief, Naaba David Kansuk commended government for the donation and confirmed that it was the third of its series. He said the people of Nakpanduri are determined to promote peace in the area to encourage government and development partners to execute projects needed to improve their living conditions. Sharing their thoughts with the Media, three of the victims, Martin Kombian, Duut Baby and Jagong Tahidu were grateful to government for the donation but complained that it was woefully inadequate. In their estimation, the donation can not commensurate with what they loss during the raid, hence the need for government to do more. Hon. Philip Laari, the District Chief Executive for Bunkpurugu/Yunyoo promised the people that government is on course to deliver its Better Ghana agenda. He told them that government under the leadership of President John Evans Atta Mills had good plans for the people of the district and implored them to co-exist peacefully. Hon. Philip Laari challenged the youth to acquire higher academic laurels to improve the districts human resource base needed to improve their socio-economic development. The delegation which involved Mr. Moses Bukari Mabengba, the northern regional Minister and other members of the Regional Security Council earlier paid a courtesy call on the King of Mamprugu, the Nayiri, Naa-Bohagu Mahami Sherigah. The Mamprugu King among other concerns implored government to tar the Walewale-Gambaga and other roads linking the area to other parts of the country.