Friday, January 16, 2015

Twenty-nine year old man sentence to 4 months for attempting to leak fiancé’s nude pictures

The Tamale District Court-1 has sentence a twenty-nine year old, Baba Sayibu into prison custody for four months for attempting to leak his fiancé’s nude pictures on social media. 
The case presided by His Worship, Anthony Assah sentence Mr. Baba Sayibu to four months into prison custody. 
The judge in his caution statement stated that is to served as a deterrent for others to desist from such act. 
Prosecuting the case in court, Inspector Gabriel Alorsy, said on the 24th of December, Mr. Baba Sayibu invited the victim to his room at Sabonjida, a suburb of the Tamale Metropolis upon sensing that the fiancé was to call their relationship off. 
According to Inspector Gabriel, he convinced the lady and had a wonderful time with her, where the culprit took some nude pictures of the lady without her consent. 
He added that, after the act, the girl demanded some money to braid her hair which the culprit refused. 
On the following day, inspector Gabriel said Mr. Sayibu called the girl and she declined her calls severally. 
He further added that Mr. Sayibu threatened leaking the nude pictures in a couple of minutes should the girl refuse honouring his invitation. The prosecutor said the lady later reported the case to the police leading to his arrest. 
Last year, similar nude pictures of young ladies in the Tamale Metropolis went viral on social media raising concerns on the crop of generation the society is breeding. 
This however brought not only the families of such victims into public ridicule but the entire northern region.