Wednesday, August 11, 2010



Leadership of the Concerned Youth of NDC in Karaga constituency has disapproved all three personalities who were recently vetted among 16 others if possible for replacement to four vacant District Chief Executive positions in the northern region including the Karaga district.
It described the three personalities comprising Mahamadu Abdul Rahaman, the Karaga Constituency NDC Youth Organizer, Mr. Hussein Issah Sulemana, the Constituency Secretary and the third person as “Charlatans” who are not deemed fit to replace the disappointed DCE Alhaji Mahamadu Abdulai Sandow.
Mohammed Sadique, Spokesperson of the Karaga Concerned NDC Youth threatened that attempts to impose any of the three personalities on residents of Karaga as the next DCE will be fiercely resisted and thereby repeated their call for the reinstatement of the former DCE.
He also warned the NDC regional executives against interfering in the appointment of a DCE for the district since according to him it is the preserve of natives of the area.
Mohammed Sadique also accused Hon. Iddrisu Dauda, Member of Parliament for Karaga Constituency of allegedly creating division among the constituency executives and the youth which the group believes might cause the NDC’s defeat in 2012.
He described the Constituency Executives as opportunists who are only interested in grabbing property instead of concentrating on building the party structures ahead of elections 2012.
It will be recalled that on Thursday July 29 at the Northern Regional Coordinating Council, 16 persons were vetted for recommendations to President John Mills if possible for appointment to replace DCE’ s for Karaga, Yendi, Bunkpurugu/Yunyoo and the Sawla Tuna Kalba District.
While the late Alhaji Shakur, former DCE for Sawla Tuna Kalba died in a fatal car accident, three others namely, Mr. Walvice Hudu Adama Mahama for Yendi Municipality, Hajia Meiliga Mavis Bawa for Bunkpurugu/Yunyoo and Alhaji Abdulai Sandow for Karaga were dismissed by President Mills following ceaseless protest against them.



The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has launched a food security and nutrition programme intended to ameliorate the food and nutritional values of vulnerable households and also create job opportunities for people in the three Northern Regions of Ghana.
Under the theme: “Building Resilience for food security and nutrition in Northern Ghana”, the project is expected to support 423,250 people across the Upper West, Upper East and Northern Regions of Ghana with relief and recovery activities over a two year period.
The project dubbed: “Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO)” which was launched on August 6, 2010 in Tamale, the Northern Regional capital will involve 27,785 metric tones of food assistance valued at USD$22 million dollars.
According to WFP Head of Programme, NguyenDuc Hoang, between 2008 and 2009, two surveys conducted informed the formulation of the PRRO.
“The first nationwide food security survey called the ‘Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis in 2008’, and an impact assessment of the ‘Global Crisis on Vulnerable Households in Ghana’ was conducted in 2009”, he recalled.
Mr. Hoang, said the findings of these surveys confirmed that the three Northern Regions remain the most food-insecure areas in Ghana with Upper West topping the table with 34%, Upper East 15%, Northern 10%, Ashanti 7% and Eastern 4%, followed by the five remaining regions
He pointed out that the surveys recommended that efforts are stepped-up to help those who have been severely affected by droughts, floods and food price increases.
The WFP Head of Programme explained that based on these findings and in line with the objectives of the Savannah Accelerated Development Authourity (SADA), this PRRO was developed to improve the food and nutritional security of vulnerable people in Northern Ghana who have been severely affected by multiple shocks over the past three years- repeated floods and droughts in 2007, high cost of food particularly staple foods in 2008 and the impact of the global economic downturn in 2009.
Under the relief component of the project, four main activities will be carried out including the sustainability of contingency emergency stockpile of food for flood and drought-prone areas in the three regions, giving special attention to the elderly especially sick or disabled refugees who remain in Ghana whiles the supplementary feeding programme of WFP, a safety-net for malnourished children, pregnant women and nursing mothers will be extended to districts in the beneficiary regions hit by high cost of food and acute malnutrition.
An innovative aspect of this project is the introduction of support to People Living With HIV on Anti-Retroviral Therapy and their families. This aspect addresses the Ghana Aids Commission’s concern that food security is a major impediment to the adherence of HIV treatment. Thus, 12,000 patients and 48,000 of their household members will receive highly nutritious food to ensure patients compliance with the ARTs treatment.
Also, the recovery component consists of food for work also known as food for assets, food for training and income generating activities. In partnership with government agencies and NGOs, vulnerable food-insecure groups of people will participate in food-for-work activities aimed at slowing land degradation and soil erosion in flood-affected areas.
Community members will be given food incentives in exchange for work on vital infrastructure such as desilting small dams and dugouts, constructing stonewalls, replicating seedlings, reforesting riverbanks and other climate-change adaptation and mitigation activities. The goal of this is to help reduce rural-urban migration by providing alternative work opportunities to some 100,000 people in food insecure areas.
Over 24,000 of the most food-insecure groups of people that are at highest risk of acute hunger, such as shea-nut harvesters, small-scale food processors, agro pastoralists, food and cash crop farmers, and daily labourers, will be targeted with food incentives for training activities. They will spend time learning new skills that increase the food security of their households and communities. Some of the activities being considered are seedling cultivation, tree nurseries, agricultural extension, training on how to fortify milled maize and other cereals, and how to rebag and retail iodised salt.



Real Tamale United might soon face financial difficulties due to far advanced plans by the clubs major sponsor, Wienco Agriculture Limited to withdraw its financial and logistical support to the club.
In spite of the huge investment Wienco has provided RTU with over the years, confirmed reports are that a cross section of RTU’s Supporters Club allegedly assaulted Mr. Henry Wienchis, CEO of Wienco Agriculture Limited.
By extension, the technical team, match officials and Directors of the club were also attacked which led to the pre-matured resignation of Coach Abdul Razak as the head coach after the last season.
This threat by Wienco’s CEO to withdraw his company’s support has sent some well meaning supporters of RTU panicking including the leadership of a group called the National Channels Council of Real Tamale United that is calling on the Wienco CEO to rescind his decision.
Spokesperson of the group, Farouk Issahaku Kanawu at a news conference regretted the actions of the rioters and rendered an unqualified apology to Mr. Wienchis, the technical team and management of the club.
Farouk Issahaku described as generally unacceptable that untoward behavior which was meted out to the Wienco CEO and gave the assurance that the National Channels Council will ensure that such uncalled for situation will never re-occur.
He said the contribution made by Wienco towards RTU’s upkeep over the years cannot be underestimated and pledged his side’s commitment to cement the healthy rapour that existed between the company and the club’s management.



A development oriented youth organisation in the Northern Region, Youth Empowerment for Life (YEfL) is asking government to ratify the proposed National Youth Policy which has been on the drawing board for several years without further delay.
At the end of its 6th Annual Youth Forum held at Dalun in the Tolon-Kumbungu District of the Northern Region, YEfL members said notwithstanding the efforts of past and present governments towards enhancing the development of young people in Ghana, much still need to be done towards addressing the development needs of the youth.
The annual youth forum of YEfL was organized to foster unity and cohesion among various youth groups that participated and also to enable participants share ideas on how to address the problems confronting them.
It was organized under the theme: “Navigating Youth Contribution to Government Policies” and brought together 150 participants belonging to various youth groups in the Tamale Metropolis, Yendi Municipality, Karaga, Saboba, Nanumba North and South, West Gonja, Tolon-Kumbungu and Savelugu-Nanton Districts.
The opening day of the five day event saw delegates and participants sensitized on the Savannah Accelerated Development Authourity (SADA), the National Youth Employment Programme (NYEP), National Youth Policy and the oil and gas draft document.
Jawol Vera Magan, a youth leader and member of YEfL who read the communiqué, also expressed the need for the National Youth Policy to be implemented by the National Youth Council (NYC) after it has been ratified and approved by parliament.
According to her, it is the mandate of the NYC to coordinate all youth activities at all levels and called on government to leave all issues concerning the youth to the NYC and stop creating parallel structures in having a Youth Ministry.
Ms. Vera Magan further advocated that there should be no political interference in the work of the National Youth Council and called on government to release the governance structure of the Council to the youth themselves to decide who should or should not be the National Youth Council Coordinator.
She pointed out that the current situation whereby the NYC Coordinator is appointed by the government of the day is what they are against, declaring that the NYC should be immune to political influence now.
There has not been a clear representation of the youth on the board of the Savannah Accelerated Development Authourity (SADA) and demanded that government should take a second look at the constitution of the board so that programmes and policies to be implemented will make young people more competitive in the various sectors of the economy, she observed.
The acting National Coordinator of the NYC Archibald Donkor announced that come August 12th, 2010, government will outdoor the new draft National Youth Policy bill.
He said it would be out for deliberations at cabinet level before being sent to parliament for it to be passed into law.
Mr. Donkor therefore advised the youth to be disciplined and exercise more patient saying provisions have also been made for the document to be reviewed when the need arises.
The District Chief Executive for Tolon-Kumbungu, Alhaji Iddi-Manzah Mahama also announced the building of an office complex for the youth in the district and appealed to the NYC to endeavour to provide staff when the time comes.
He told participants that the government of the NDC has learnt a lot of lessons from youth agitations for jobs with barely two years in office. Adding that, the government is however not in a hurry to design adhoc solutions to these calls but will painstakingly fashion out a long term plan that will serve as a blue print for Ghana.



The Northern Regional Police Commander has commended government for improving the salaries of police personnel in Ghana through the Single Spine Pay Policy but called for logistical support to enable them live beyond reproach in the conduct of their duties.
ACP Angwubutobge Awuni said whereas the Northern Regional command could only boast of a single unserviceable patrol vehicle, Divisional Commanders including the Tamale Metropolitan Commander lacked moveable logistics therefore making their operations extremely arduous.
The police chief was speaking at a meeting with all the District Commanders and personnel in Tamale where he charged them to live up to their responsibilities in appreciation of steps taken by government to improve on their conditions of service.
ACP Awuni further implored them to improve on their outfit and urged them to deepen their relationship with the populace in order to enhance smooth policing.
He commended the people of Dagbon for sustaining the fragile peace over last few yearss and appealed to them to co-exist peacefully for accelerated development to take place.
ACP Angwubutoge Awuni further implored the traditional authority to assist the police personnel in the area to perform their core functions of maintaining law and order by not interfering in criminal matters.



The Upper East Regional Communications group of opposition New Patriotic Party has taken a swipe at Yaw Mort, the party’s regional organizer over what appeared to unsavory remarks in response to an alleged statement made by Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo which was interpreted to be an insult on the integrity of people of northern decent.
Nana Addo, a leading contender of the forthcoming Saturday August 7 national delegates congress was reported to have in a response a question as to whom his regional Coordinator was in the Upper East Region allegedly said if he chose a goat to be his campaign Coordinator, it was nobody’s business.
This drew condemnations from the NPP Upper East Regional Organizer, Yaw Mort and Abdul Basit, Spokesperson of a group called the Savannah Youth for Development who implored Nana Addo to render an unqualified apology to northerners.
Responding to these developments at a news conference, Ahmed Karim Bediako, Coordinator of the Upper East NPP Communications group described the Regional Organizer Yaw Mort and Abdul Basit as the party’s enemies of progress.
He warned them against divisive tendencies in the party and advised that they should stop wasting their time on such frivolous insinuations and rather channel their resources into building the party’s structures in the three northern regions that are tagged the NDC’s “World Bank”.
Ahmed Bediako unreservedly said at no point in time did Nana Addo made derogatory statements on northerners during his recent visit to the Upper East Region and urged his detractors to stop maligning the 2008 NPP flag bearer.
He rated Nana Addo 100% among the five personalities gunning for the 2012 Flag bearer position as the only stalwart in the NPP who has northerners at heart and that his choice of Dr. Mahamud Bawumia as his running mate during the last elections was a clear demonstration of his love for the north.
He added that Nana Addo was very instrumental in the establishment of the Northern Development Fund under President Kufuors’ watch that sought to bridge the yawning gap between northern and southern Ghana.
Shifting focus on the forthcoming congress slated for Saturday August 7, the Upper East NPP Communications Coordinator tipped Nana Addo to win 60% of the total votes which in his estimation will be reflected in 2012.
Without mincing words, he lambasted President John Atta Mills’ led NDC administration for what he referred to as mismanagement of Ghana’s economy and concluded that a Nana Addo administration will salvage the economy.



Abubakari Malba, Propaganda Secretary of the NDC Tamale Central Constituency has urged all party loyalists to ignore calls for the replacement of Hon. Inusah Fuseini in 2012 based on unsubstantiated allegations leveled against the dynamic and affable Tamale Central MP by a group called the Tamale Central Coalition of NDC youth.
He said the party leadership was not surprised at the culture of impunity certain selfish individuals are trying very hard to import into the constituency to tarnish the hard won reputation of Hon. Inusah Fuseini also Ghana’s Deputy Energy Minister.
At a news conference meant to react to the Tamale Central Coalition of NDC youth’s call for their MP’s replacement, Abubakari Malba unreservedly warned that the constituency leadership will deal ruthlessly with the detractors.
He described as grossly irresponsible the statement that Hon. Inusah Fuseini denounced his allegiance to the Andani gate on one of the editions of Metro TV’s Good Morning Ghana programme and concluded that the MP is for all irrespective of their religion, political or chieftaincy affiliations.
Abubakari Malba said the constituents are proud of their MP for his sterling performance within the short period that he took over from Dr. Wayo Seini through a bye-election that he won a landslide victory.
He recounted the building of 13 classroom blocks and the recent sod cutting ceremony for work to commence on a GH 640 community project for the Moshie Zongo, Warizehi and SakaSaka electoral areas.
Abubakari Malba disclosed that through the efforts of Hon. Inusah Fuseini, about 1000 women have gained access to credit facilities to expand their business and that 500 tertiary students have so far benefited from a scholarship fund established with the MP’s personal funds.
The Tamale Central Constituency NDC propaganda Secretary nevertheless called for unity in the party to enable President Mills clinch onto power in 2012.



The Constitutional Review Commission with the mandate of reviewing Ghana’s 1992 Republican Constitution has held a two day regional level hearings and consultation meeting in Tamale.
The nationwide exercise was intended to make recommendations to government through a draft bill if necessary for possible amendments of the whole or portions of the 1992 Constitution which have outlived its usefulness.
Pertinent portions that were subjected to roundtable discussions included, the Executive powers or transition of executive authority, Legislative powers or transition of Parliaments, Legal sector issues and Decentralization and local governance.
Other important areas were the Independent constitutional bodies, the public services of Ghana, the traditional authorities, Tindanas (landowners), Queen mothers and human right issues including gender and access to justice.
Moses Bukari Mabengba, Northern Regional Minister who opened the forum appealed to the participants to attach importance to the exercise by approaching the topics under discussion in a bipartisan manner.
He said: “I entreat all of you herein assembled to make your inputs in a bipartisan manner that will assist the nation to enrich the Bills to be amended to make the constitution a true living document that will not only stand the test of time but will also address your yearning needs to deepen our democracy and increase the tempo of socio-economic development in this country,”.
The Minister also said the exercise was in line with President John Evans Atta Mills’ call for a review of the 1992 Republican Constitution which was captured in his State of the Nations address during the early part of this year.
Mr. Mabengba reiterated the President’s call which read, “We believe also that a National Constitutional Review Conference is the surest way to ensure that our manifesto promises as well as those of some of the other political parties which require constitutional amendments see fruition in a consensual manner: Iin preparation towards this conference we shall this year establish a Constitutional Review Committee to collate views on amendment proposals and work towards the conference,”.
Professor Albert K. Fiadjoe, Chairman of the Commission said the Commission was committed to work in a free and fair manner devoid of politics and urged participants to place premium on the exercise.
He commended the people of the three Northern Regions for the level of enthusiasm attached to deliberations on the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA) which is awaiting Presidential assent and asked the participants to do same to the ongoing exercise.
Professor Fiadjoe announced that over 31,000 submissions had been received so far from across the country and Ghanaians in the Diaspora but complained that Northern Region recorded the lowest figure.
He therefore challenged the participants to improve the figure and called for greater participation of the youth, women and the destitute in the society whose collective input through the final documentations will help build a united and prosperous Ghana.



National Service Personnel has been urged to be accepting posting to the hinterlands, but not to see it as castigation because the people in those areas also needed their service mostly as compare to the urban center.
The Bole district Director of the National Service Scheme, Ali Issah gave the advice in a welcome address delivered at this year’s service personnel week celebration dinner night in Bole to climax the service week celebration.
The week long programme, the first of it kind in the district was chunked with several activities such as a float match through the principal streets of Bole, a clean up exercise, an entrepreneurship symposium, Gala matches and among other activities lined up which was climax by a dinner dance.
Addressing the Service Personnel on the theme “National Service in the drive towards a better Ghana” Mr. Ali reiterated that it is relevant to take a sober reflection of the significant of the National Service to the development of the individual personnel, the district, the region and the country at large.
The Coordinator said the National Service Scheme present an opportunity to the personnel to serve mother Ghana and also create avenues as the first step of experience acquisition after tertiary education.
This he said is manifested as personnel are posted to various sectors of the economy especially the teaching sector.
He however expressed his sincere gratitude and appreciation to all service personnel who within the period in diverse ways contributed in their own capacity to help end the 10 month period of service without any challenges and wished them the best of luck as they go out to compete in search for jobs.
The President of the National Service personnel Association of Ghana in Bole, Issah Ewuntomah advised his colleagues to become responsible future leaders of the nation.
He also challenged them to also be courageous in approaching Directors and other high Officials who occupied key positions and lobby for jobs.
Mr. Ewuntomah said the association in the district has also acquired a land at Green Valley, a suburb of Bole for construction of a hostel facility to ease accommodation challenges facing personnel in the district.



The Incessant nefarious activities of the alien Fulani Herdsmen in the country have indeed become a great source of worry to traditional rulers in the three Northern Regions, whose people are worst victims of those activities. The Chiefs have therefore vowed to adopt their own means of flashing out the alien herdsmen of their communities, since the state has been very unconcerned about the issue.
The over 60 Paramount Chiefs also expressed serious disappointment at the government for unjustifiably failing to institute concrete measures to regulate and monitor the activities of the Fulanis, whom they said were becoming “nuisance” in the Ghanaian societies.
At a roundtable discussion of all Paramount Chiefs in the three Northern Regions held in Tamale recently to discuss the drafted Savanna Accelerated Development Authority (SADA) Bill and make significant inputs, majority of the Chiefs criticized government for over glorifying the so-called ECOWAS protocol of free trade and human movement at the expense of the rights, safety and security of Ghanaians.
The Paramount Chief of Gwollu in the Sissala West District of the West Region, Kuoru Kuri-Buktie Limann II is one of the vociferous Chiefs who are passionate about the issue of the Fulanis.
He indicated that his traditional area was close to the Burkina Faso-Ghana border and thus recounted some of the bad activities of the aliens. The Chief lamented that apart from broad day robbery and destruction of people’s farms, the Fulani Herdsmen also engaged in raping married women and other young ladies at gun point.
They sometimes also kill and takeover livestock animals of some poor farmers and run away unpunished.
The Paramount Chief of Gwollu therefore challenged government and for that matter Parliament to without any further delay, come out with legislative instrument that can transform the Fulanis and sanction them when necessary.
The Paramount Chief of Kpembe Traditional in the East Gonja District, Kpembewura Haruna Kabasigi also lamented that he did not foresee any possibility of government taking stringent measure to flash out of regulate the activities of the alien Fulanis, since several public outcries to government had gone wasted.
The Kpembewura therefore announced his plans to unilaterally demarcate a portion of the lands in his area to the Fulanis where they will be confined or restricted from mingling with the indigenes and crossing people’s farms. They will have access to all the basic amenities especially water and electricity.
According to him, he is already in talks with the leadership of the Fulanis to ensure that all their members and animals are registered to avoid stealing of other people’s cattle.
The Paramount Chiefs of Bolgatanga and Yunyoo, Bolga-Naaba, Martin Abilba and Yunyoo-Lana Yamyia Tooka II respectively in separate interview with Fiila News also attributed the growing problem to successive governments’ inability to include traditional authorities in governance.
According to the Yunyoo-Lana, the ECOWAS Protocol treaty is not superior to the laws of Ghana and enjoined government to be firm and resolute in protecting its people’s lives and properties.
He stated that the serious nuisance the Fulani Herdsmen are creating in Ghana can not be perpetrated or accepted in any other ECOWAS member country.
The Chief therefore called on government to control the Fulanis and made them to pay heavy taxes and also face serious sanctions for any wrong doing.
Meanwhile, the activities of alien Fulani Herdsmen are gradually threatening the security of residents in the three Northern Regions.
These aliens are alleged to be the brain behind major highway robberies, indiscriminate rape of women and the burning of farms leading to considerable loss of farm produce stored in the farm houses and those yet to be harvested.
They are also believed to be engaged in the cutting down of food crops and economic trees in feeding their animals which is making the north more prone to desertification.
Residents on several occasions have engaged in confrontations with these herdsmen and raised concerns over their continuous stay in the region and have therefore called on the authorities to as a matter of urgency eject them or closely monitor their activities.
Many have also blamed them for the poor harvest which had impacted negatively on the food security in the Northern Sector regarded as the bread baskets of the country.


The Tamale Central youth coalition of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in Changli has called on the NDC government to as a matter of urgency replace the constituency Member of Parliament, Lawer Inusah Fuseni with a more competent candidate or will be at the risk of loosing the seat to the opposition.
The youth coalition of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in Changli said the Member of Parliament, Haruna Fuseini falsely lured the youth to gain his political mandate in the Constituency.
The coalition of Youth groups in Changli laid out this in a press statement issued to Fiila News and sign by the Chairman, Abdul-Karim Seidu at the weekend in Tamale.
According to the statement, Lawyer Inusah Fuseini promised the youth in the area jobs when he gain power but immediately he had the mandate in the political terrain he totally snub the youth in area.
The youth therefore challenged the MP to publicly come out to name the number of people he provided with jobs since his assumption to the political power.
The youth in their statement clearly indicated that the disappointing part of it is that the MP used the murder of late Overlord of Dagbon, Yaa-Naa Yakubu Andani as his major campaign message and again denounced on Metro TV recently that he is not part of the Andani and all its activities.
The MP who took over from Prof Wayo Seini can only be described as a failure by the youth to the constituency. The youth however cautioned the NDC government to sit up and face the promises they made to Ghanaians.
The youth therefore rendered an unqualified apology to the opposition New Patriotic Party for the brutalities in the 2008 election meted out to its members, saying that it was ignorance and the influence of the self-seeking politicians in the Metropolis.
They also urged the opposition NPP to let them bury their differences and label the politicians as hypocrites in order to co-exist for they are one people.