Friday, July 23, 2010



Gbewaa Youth group of the ruling National Democratic Congress in Tamale went on rampage Thursday July 22 over auction sales of the Tamale Metropolitan Assembly.
The group led by its ring leader Alhassan Sibri stormed the assembly yard where the auction sales took place and retrieved one of the cars, a Volvo car with registration number NR 555C.
The Gbewaa Youth said the auction sales were illegally done by Alhaji Olando, the auctioneer since they alleged that Alhaji Abudulai Harunah Friday was the brain behind it.
According to Alhassan Sibri, the Tamale Mayor out of sheer greed acquired a Tipper Truck while the Auctioneer took away a pick up.
He hinted that the NDC regional executives were not aware of the said auction sales and threatened to attack any of the buyers who might attempt to pull the vehicles out of the yard.
The group vowed to resist any attempt by the assembly to release the auctioned vehicles to the buyers.
He said the NDC youth in Tamale have being disillusioned and that the only means by which they can survive is through such actions.
At the time of filing this report, the Gbewaa Youth Group besieged the assembly yard whereas a heavy armed police contingent was at the scene to ensure law and order.



Investigations in the Bunkpurugu-Yunyoo district of the Northern Region has revealed that basic school pupils in the district are being handled by Junior High School dropouts as volunteers due to the refusal of ‘run away’ teachers to return to post.
As a result of the protracted chieftaincy and land conflicts that erupted in parts of the district lately, teachers and health personnel who fled the area have since not returned to post.
The only health facility in the Temaa community was burnt beyond repairs during the recent conflict between two Konkomba clans of Temaa and Namong communities.
This situation has left many pregnant women at the mercy of Traditional Birth Attendants with emergency cases referred to the Nalerigu Baptist Mission Centre.
Speaking to in an exclusive interview, Yunyoo Dana Yamyia Tokah of the Yunyoo paramoutncy complained that the situation has worsened the falling standard of education in the district.
The Yunyoo Dana said attempts to promote girl child education in the area have declined and this he noted will affect the district’s human resource capacity.
He therefore appealed to the Ghana Education Service and the Ghana Health Service to post enough teachers and health workers to the district to save residents from dying of hunger, illiteracy and diseases.
He also assured personnel’s who vacate their post to return as the place has return to it normal status and business activities are also going on smoothly in the area.



The third Annual Northern Regional Youth conference has ended in Tamale with a call on government to fast track the implementation of the National Youth Policy that seeks to improve the living conditions of the youth of Ghana.
The about two hundred participants drawn from all the twenty districts in the Northern Region complained that the undue delay in the implementation of the much awaited National Youth Policy has retarded the development of the Ghanaian youth.
Abdul Rahaman A. Basit on behalf of his colleagues lamented that the National Youth Employment Programme has been over politicized and called for its immediate review to achieve the purpose for which it was established.
He reiterated the need for government to invent a policy document that will work in the interest of youth development as a means of empowering them to play vital roles in nation building.
Abdul Rahaman Basit cited youth unemployment as a major challenge facing the youth of northern region which serves as license to self centered power seekers to use the youth as tools for conflicts.
Speaking on the theme, “Building the capabilities of youth mobilization and effective coordination in Better Ghana Agenda,” Hon. Moses Bukari Mabengba, Northern Regional Minister said government as part of its well tailored programmes towards youth empowerment has released 170,000 Ghana cedis for the construction of ultra modern youth centre in the region.
According to the Regional Minister, poverty continues to be the major cause of instability in the region and stated that part of the money will be spent on creating more employment opportunities to reduce the “Kayaaye” menace.
In the area of peace building, Mr. Mabengba said the Regional Security Council and the various District Security Committees have received the needed support from government to improve the security situation.
Ziblim Abubakari Shaibu, Northern Regional Youth Coordinator of the National Youth Council explained that the conference sought to outline the prospects and challenges of youth development in the northern region.
He thereby repeated his call for a stop to the use of vulgar language on the airwaves especially during live discussions and phone in programmes.
This in Mr. Shaibu’s estimation will help reduce the increase of moral decadence associated with a cross section of the youth in the Tamale metropolis.

Thursday, July 22, 2010



Participants at an active forum at Wulensi in the Nanumba South district of the Northern Region have identify the attitude of parents and guidance as the major contributory factor to the high school dropouts rate among girls in the two Nanumba districts.
According to them, parents do not take proper care of their children because they are suppose to help their mothers in house chores.
They indicated that the time has come for stakeholders to rise up to occasion to ensure that parents and guardians are called to order to uproot the menace in order to reason with Dinkurugu Integrated Development Organization (DIDO) and CAMFED which are fighting hard to eliminate this canker from the society.
The participants stressed that education is also the responsibility of communities, adding that everybody must cooperate to ensure that female education is improved.
The Coordinator for Dinkurugu Integrated Development Organization (DIDO) a local NGO, Iddrisu Adam Sulemana in his address, said that DIDO has designed a policy to help upgrade the knowledge and skills of stakeholders, schools management committees and parents teachers association to enable them stand tall to use their experience to bear on the programme to bear fruits.
According to him, the phenomenon in the two districts cannot be over emphasized and has been identified as of the main cause of poverty in the area.
Mr. Sulemena said even though several workshops have been achieved and for concerted effort from parents, school management committees to work collectively to avert the situation.
He therefore called on the participants to take up the challenge of ensuring that the policy by DIDO is implemented successful to ensure that every girl-child of school going age is in school to complete to help the accelerated development of the area.
The Executive Director of the Community Partnership for Youth Women and Children Development (CPYWCD), a local NGO, Iddrisu Yakubu who took participants through some basic principles of the rights of girls-child education, called on stakeholders and parents to collaborate effectively with school management committees to identify some of the common problems that affect them.
This he noted, would go a long way to help them find lasting solutions to the menace and appealed to them to treat all their wards equally by educating all.
Mr. Yakubu appealed to the Assembly and Ghana Education Service to make it a priority to visit schools in the area once a while to learn at hand some of the principals problems facing teachers and students.
He also suggested to the Assembly, GES and DIDO to pull their resources together and organize a training workshop for parents’ teachers association and school management committees to know their roles and responsibilities to execute their job effectively and efficiently.



Fiila News has observed that negligence sometimes results to the irresponsibility of most school authorities to instilled discipline among students in various institutions across the country.
This negligence of duties of school authorities is one of the roots of the recent rampages that strike Ghana Senior High School (GHANASCO), Dabokpa Technical Institution (DAVOTEC) in the northern region and the Navrango Senior High School (NAVASCO) in the upper East region.
At the Dabokpa Technical Institution the indiscipline of students has cross beyond the boundaries of the school where students have seen school authorities as inappropriate in dealing with internal issues wrangling between the students in the school.
An issue of mobile phone theft erupted between two boarders of the school, one Mr. Kumah a year two student in secretariat class and Mr.
Habibu Salisu Kewuribi also a year three student in TV and radio class of DAVOTEC which resulted to a scuffle between the purported students.
The situation as Fiila News reports now is in the Police Criminal Investigative Department (CID) pending investigation as to the cause of the scuffle and the extent of harm.
A letter from the Police to this effect has been issued to Mr. Habibu Salisu Kewuribi inviting him to appear at the Police CID office for allegedly assaulting Mr. Kumah. Both students reaffirmed the knowledge of school authorities.
Meanwhile in an exclusive interview with the vice-principal of the school, Madam Salamatu Mahamadu, under which jurisdiction the students are in the school claimed she has no in-depth knowledge about the issue.
According to Madam Salamatu, she is surprised an issue of such could not pass through the school administration, which has the sole right to resolve the issue within the school.
She was also smart to say that the issue might be outside differences the students are dealing with.
She therefore promised to get to the bottom of the matter and respond appropriately.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010



Acheampong Langbong believed to be the comrade or confidant of Bunkpurugu-Yunyoo constituency NDC Women’s Organizer has been arrested by the police for selling government’s subsidized fertilizer at Kalabule price to farmers in the district.
Reports are that Madam Laadi Foknam, the NDC Women’s Organizer allegedly used coupons meant for farmers in the district and loaded trucks of ammonia fertilizer for Acheampong to sell at exorbitant prices.
An informant said Acheampong Langbong was selling a bag of fertilizer for GH 21cedis against the approved government subsidized price of GH 18 cedis to farmers nationwide.
A source closed to the District Police Command disclosed that the NDC constituency executives led by the Chairman stormed the police station and demanded the release of Acheampong which the police declined.
Despite the earlier warning by government to nib smugglers of subsidize fertilizers others has kept this warning into the back of their heels which resulted to the arrest of this stubborn youth man, who knows he will just be release without any charges or penalties against her as is likely to be a political link issue.
Meanwhile, the chiefs and some angry youth of the district are up in arms against Madam Laadi Foknam, the NDC constituency Women’s Organizer over her alleged attempt to resurrect the relaxed conflict situation in the district.
A resident of Kpentango, hometown of the NDC women organizer’s father on grounds of anonymity asserted that Madam Foknam is holding secret meetings with one of the feuding factions in the name of the NDC party which has the tendency of regenerating the conflict situation which lately culminated into the media Refugees camp in neighbouring Togo.
According to him, she was reported to the traditional authority who invited Madam Foknam and her husband to the Bunkpurugu chief’s palace to caution her against her moves and that she failed to honour the invitation.



Mr. Ziblim Abubakari Shaibu, Northern Regional Coordinator of the National Youth Council (NYC) has appealed to radio stations in Tamale to inculcate good morals into the youth by banning the use of vulgar language on air especially during live discussion and phone in programmes.
He attributed the astronomical increase in moral decadence associated with a section of the youth in Tamale to the abuse of the airwaves with specific reference to phone in programmes in the metropolis.
He hence called the need for censorship of all live radio broadcast programmes in the Tamale metropolis.
Mr. Ziblim Shaibu raised this concern ahead of this year’s annual regional youth forum to be held in Tamale which seeks to review and re-organize the Federation of Youth Associations of Ghana in the districts and in the regions.
The Northern Regional National Youth Council Coordinator said other key areas that will be discussed at the forum will include drafting the National Youth Council Work plan for 2010-2012 and a review and evaluation of responses to key issues and concerns which emanated from the 2008 and 2009 dialogue forum.
According to Mr. Shaibu Ziblim, about 200 selected youth groups and community based organizations from all the twenty districts in the northern region will attend the forum under the theme “Building regional capabilities for youth mobilization and effective coordination in a Better Ghana Agenda.”

Tuesday, July 20, 2010



The inspirational Deputy Captain of the Senior National Team, the Black star, John Mensah has touched the lives of two orphanages homes in the northern regional capital, Tamale yesterday.
The Deputy Captain popularly known to his comrades as “the Rock of Zuborotah” , wo is als a defender in the National Team has donated items worth 25, 000 Ghana cedis to the Nyohini Orphanage and the Anfani orphanage all based in Tamale.
The items includes assorted beverages, bags of rice, toiletries, baby diapers and pampers, gallons of cooking oil, clothing, detergents and an undiscloure amount were given to the each orphanages.
Mr. John Mensah said the donation is part of his appreciation to almighty God for what he has able to achieve so far on earth and sees it necessary to touch the lives of the vulnerable to make them feel part of the society.
According to the Deputy Captain of the Senior National Team, the vulnerable needs inclusion and respect but not isolation urging the society to let them realized their importance to the socio-economic development of the nation.
The Rock of Zuborotah who is sometimes described as a philanthropist has passion, love, care and above all respect for the vulnerable and has touches several lives of vulnerable across the country and yesterday was the term of the northern region.
Mr. John Mensah used the opportunity to meet the famous John Mensah Fun Club in the region who expressed his profound gratitude for the people of this region and the founding fathers of the club for supporting him spiritually and physically in his endeavours.
He therefore pledged his fullest support to make the Fun Club the most famous Fun Club in the Country.
The President of the Famous John Mensah Fun Club, Abdul-Razak Alhassan aka DJ Carlos in his remarked said the Fun Club was set up in 2006 world cup but due to certain lapses it was brought to redundancy but revive at the 2008 African cup of nation hosted by Ghana.
According to DJ Carlos, the club, since the beginning of the just ended World Football tournament in South Africa, the Club was projecting his performance by mounting gigantic screens at vantage point in the Tamale Metropolis in the name of “the Rock of Zuborotah”.
He therefore appealed to him to support the club with his replica jerseys and a brass band to effectively and efficiently project him.
Mr. John Mensah therefore donate a cash amount of 500 Ghana cedis as a carton raiser to support the fun club and pledged that he will invite the club to Accra for the official inauguration.
Mr. John Mensah therefore donate a cash amount of 500 Ghana cedis as carton raiser to support the fun club and pledged that he will invite the club to Accra for the official inauguration.



The General Manager in charge of the Graphic Communications Group Limited, Yaw Boadu Ayeboafoh, has charged media practitioners in the three northern regions to help unite the people through their reportage, instead of dividing them.
He also reminded them that one of the key duties of a journalist was to ensure that the living conditions of rural people were ultimately improved.
Speaking at the first Northern Journalists Awards ceremony in Tamale at the Radach Memorial Center Auditorium, Ayeboafoh said the media in any society are very crucial to its development agenda but at the same time they could equally be very destructive.
He explained that the media were capable of producing both good and evil, depending on how meticulous and responsible media practitioners were in the performance of their duties.
The General Manager pointed out that although the media could make mistakes, just like any human institution, their mistakes were delicate, as they could cause mayhem and confusion in society.
He stressed that Journalist must try not to incite one group against another and even if someone says something unpalatable that may cause confusion, it is the duty of the media to rather help build peace and a healthy northern Ghana.
According to him, the conflicts that had over the years plagued some communities in the north could be halted through a sustained effort by the media to promote advocacy and peace-building initiatives through their reportage.
He expressed regret that huge sums of money are being spent to maintain peace, while those funds could be channeled into development projects.

Monday, July 19, 2010



Seven chiefs in the troubled Bunkpurugu/ Yunyoo district have pledged their unflinching support to government and other peace brokers mediating conflicts that have bedeviled the district to ensure the return of peace and stability in their respective communities.
The chiefs led by Yunyoo Dana Yamyia Tokah of the Yunyoo paramouncy regretted that the recent land chieftaincy conflicts which erupted in parts of the Bunkpurugu/Yunyoo district affected their developmental progress.
This came to light at the Temaa chef’s palace when Mr. Larry Bimi, Chairman of the National Commission for Civic Education interacted with the traditional authority as part of a peace crusade embarked upon by the NCCE in partnership with the Northern Peace Advisory Council to end the conflict situation in the area.
The other chiefs included Kpambeng Dan Azumah Samale, chief of Temaa, D.I Wajak of Nasuang, the chief of Namgbani, N-nyimabu Tiawan, Nbolnyain Naamon of Kufori, the chief of Jakoni Dan Kayewein and Chief Sankong Gumah of Lamalig.
Kpambeng Dan Azumah Samale, the Temaa chief accused some natives of Bunkpurugu resident in Accra of fueling the age long protracted chieftaincy and land disputes that have claimed several lives with property worth millions of Ghana cedis destroyed in the area.
He therefore appealed to such personalities to stop fuelling the conflicts and rather channel their resources into productive ventures that will alleviate the plight of the suffering masses.
Mr. Larry Bimi assured the chiefs that NCCE and its collaborators will do everything possible to reconcile and unite the feuding factions of identified flashpoints in the district particularly Temaa and Namong communities.
He said the district lacked economic opportunities needed to make inhabitants become economically self sufficient and thereby asked residents of Temaa and Namong communities to co-exist peacefully.
The Behisung drama group staged local performance to reorient the psyche of residents of the area on the dangers associated with conflicts and the benefits of peace.



Members of the Northern Regional branch of the Ghana Journalist Association (GJA), who fiercely criticized and made several attempts to sabotage the first ever northern Journalist Awards, were conspicuously missing at the well attended event.
Even though some of the GJA members including the Regional Chairman, Alidu Baba were selected for special Awards, their own vindictiveness put them in oblivion.
There were therefore some passive criticisms from some of the distinguished personalities who passionately made it to the grounds of the Awards night at Radach Memorial Center Auditorium on Saturday 17th of July 2010 for the historic event.
The Northern Journalist Awards Ceremony was organized by Flip Africa Media Consult (FAMEC-Ghana) to reward selfless and dedicated journalist and other media personalities who have contributed in diverse ways towards the development of the three Northern Regions.
Some of the personalities stated that the saboteurs of the Awards are among the people who are retarding the progress and development of the north with their selfish and self seeking interest.
Most journalist also pour venom criticism on the so called senior journalist in the region saying that they are disgrace for their evil minds were not able to fulfill.
They also alleged that such senior journalist renege and frustrate the upcoming journalist in the region.
Some of the personalities include, Mr. Yaw Boadu Ayeboafo, General Manager,Graphic Communications Group Limited, Mr. Justic Aban of GTV, Madam Sawuratu Alhassan of GBC, Shamima Muslim of Metro TV, Mr. A.C Ohene of TV Africa, Northern Regional Police Commander, ACP Angwubutobge Awuni among other personalities.
Peace Fm’s partner station Fiila fm Tamale-Based Radio station emerged as the best radio station in the three northern region and across Northern Volta and B/A.
The awards winners includes, Mr. Mohammed Salifu Nurudeen of Daily Graphic who won the young and health Journalist of the year, Edmond Gyebi of Chronicle won the investigative Journalist, Isaac Nongnya of Metro TV also took away the environmental Journalist of the year.
The others are Stephen Zoure of Daily Guide won the best Human Rights Journalist, Abdul-Razak Alhassan aka DJ Carlos was the best local presenter, Abdul-Karim Naatogmah alo emerges as the best developmental journalist and the best feature writer went to Williams Jalulah of Chronicle, Upper East region.



Flip Africa Media Consult- Ghana, Tamale based Non Governmental Organization has organized the maiden edition of Northern Journalists Awards Night in Tamale and Mr. Zakariah Alhassan, northern regional Editor of Daily Graphic emerged as the overall best journalists.
He received an award package which contained a mobile phone, citation, a plague and certificate for his sterling performance and contribution to the socio-economic development of the northern region and Ghana in totality.
Two of Citi Fm’s reporters, Shamima Muslim, host of Citi Eye Witness News affectionately called Christian Amanpour by her fans in Tamale received a special award while Abdul Karim Naatogmah, northern regional correspondent received the best developmental Journalist award.
Salifu Mohammed Nurideen of Daily Graphic Tamale was adjudged the best promising Journalist and Steven Zoure of Daily Guide Tamale received the best human rights journalist award whereas Edmond Gyebi of the Chronicle news paper Tamale received the best health and investigative Journalist awards.
Alhaji Sulemana of Diamond Fm received the best news editor award and Peace Fm’s partner station Fiila fm emerged as the best radio station in Tamale and other deserving awardees including Samuel Akapule of GNA and William Jalula of the Chronicle News paper both in Bolgatanga received awards for other categories.
Mr. Yaw Ayeboafo of Daily Graphic, Madam Sabratu Alhassan of GBC Accra, Mr. Kassim Abdallah of Rumnet, Anass Armiyawu Anass of the New Crusading Guide, Alhaji Marzuk of the Bilingual Free Press newspaper as well as Alhassan Salifu Kalala of Justice Fm were among those who received the special awards.
Addressing the gathering, Prince Mohammed Tawfik Tikumah, Managing Director of the Flip Africa Media Consult-Ghana (FAMEC) said the event, first of its kind was meant to reward and encourage Journalists working in the three regions of the north.
He complained that Journalists in the three northern regions have been sidelined and alienated during the annual Ghana Journalists Association’s national awards and that informed his outfit’s decision to organize the northern journalist awards night to show appreciation for the contribution of Journalists in northern Ghana in nation building.
He commended MTN, Radach Memorial Lodge, the GETfund hostel, Voltic Mineral Water, all the Tamale based radio stations and other sponsors whose contributions made the event a success and promised that the next awards night will be organized in a grand style.
Other speakers including Mr. Yaw Ayeboafo expressed worry at the rate at which Ghanaian Journalists were turning themselves into spin doctors for politicians and urged the media to refrain from such acts to move Ghana forward.