Tuesday, July 20, 2010



The General Manager in charge of the Graphic Communications Group Limited, Yaw Boadu Ayeboafoh, has charged media practitioners in the three northern regions to help unite the people through their reportage, instead of dividing them.
He also reminded them that one of the key duties of a journalist was to ensure that the living conditions of rural people were ultimately improved.
Speaking at the first Northern Journalists Awards ceremony in Tamale at the Radach Memorial Center Auditorium, Ayeboafoh said the media in any society are very crucial to its development agenda but at the same time they could equally be very destructive.
He explained that the media were capable of producing both good and evil, depending on how meticulous and responsible media practitioners were in the performance of their duties.
The General Manager pointed out that although the media could make mistakes, just like any human institution, their mistakes were delicate, as they could cause mayhem and confusion in society.
He stressed that Journalist must try not to incite one group against another and even if someone says something unpalatable that may cause confusion, it is the duty of the media to rather help build peace and a healthy northern Ghana.
According to him, the conflicts that had over the years plagued some communities in the north could be halted through a sustained effort by the media to promote advocacy and peace-building initiatives through their reportage.
He expressed regret that huge sums of money are being spent to maintain peace, while those funds could be channeled into development projects.

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