Thursday, July 22, 2010



Participants at an active forum at Wulensi in the Nanumba South district of the Northern Region have identify the attitude of parents and guidance as the major contributory factor to the high school dropouts rate among girls in the two Nanumba districts.
According to them, parents do not take proper care of their children because they are suppose to help their mothers in house chores.
They indicated that the time has come for stakeholders to rise up to occasion to ensure that parents and guardians are called to order to uproot the menace in order to reason with Dinkurugu Integrated Development Organization (DIDO) and CAMFED which are fighting hard to eliminate this canker from the society.
The participants stressed that education is also the responsibility of communities, adding that everybody must cooperate to ensure that female education is improved.
The Coordinator for Dinkurugu Integrated Development Organization (DIDO) a local NGO, Iddrisu Adam Sulemana in his address, said that DIDO has designed a policy to help upgrade the knowledge and skills of stakeholders, schools management committees and parents teachers association to enable them stand tall to use their experience to bear on the programme to bear fruits.
According to him, the phenomenon in the two districts cannot be over emphasized and has been identified as of the main cause of poverty in the area.
Mr. Sulemena said even though several workshops have been achieved and for concerted effort from parents, school management committees to work collectively to avert the situation.
He therefore called on the participants to take up the challenge of ensuring that the policy by DIDO is implemented successful to ensure that every girl-child of school going age is in school to complete to help the accelerated development of the area.
The Executive Director of the Community Partnership for Youth Women and Children Development (CPYWCD), a local NGO, Iddrisu Yakubu who took participants through some basic principles of the rights of girls-child education, called on stakeholders and parents to collaborate effectively with school management committees to identify some of the common problems that affect them.
This he noted, would go a long way to help them find lasting solutions to the menace and appealed to them to treat all their wards equally by educating all.
Mr. Yakubu appealed to the Assembly and Ghana Education Service to make it a priority to visit schools in the area once a while to learn at hand some of the principals problems facing teachers and students.
He also suggested to the Assembly, GES and DIDO to pull their resources together and organize a training workshop for parents’ teachers association and school management committees to know their roles and responsibilities to execute their job effectively and efficiently.

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