Monday, July 19, 2010



Seven chiefs in the troubled Bunkpurugu/ Yunyoo district have pledged their unflinching support to government and other peace brokers mediating conflicts that have bedeviled the district to ensure the return of peace and stability in their respective communities.
The chiefs led by Yunyoo Dana Yamyia Tokah of the Yunyoo paramouncy regretted that the recent land chieftaincy conflicts which erupted in parts of the Bunkpurugu/Yunyoo district affected their developmental progress.
This came to light at the Temaa chef’s palace when Mr. Larry Bimi, Chairman of the National Commission for Civic Education interacted with the traditional authority as part of a peace crusade embarked upon by the NCCE in partnership with the Northern Peace Advisory Council to end the conflict situation in the area.
The other chiefs included Kpambeng Dan Azumah Samale, chief of Temaa, D.I Wajak of Nasuang, the chief of Namgbani, N-nyimabu Tiawan, Nbolnyain Naamon of Kufori, the chief of Jakoni Dan Kayewein and Chief Sankong Gumah of Lamalig.
Kpambeng Dan Azumah Samale, the Temaa chief accused some natives of Bunkpurugu resident in Accra of fueling the age long protracted chieftaincy and land disputes that have claimed several lives with property worth millions of Ghana cedis destroyed in the area.
He therefore appealed to such personalities to stop fuelling the conflicts and rather channel their resources into productive ventures that will alleviate the plight of the suffering masses.
Mr. Larry Bimi assured the chiefs that NCCE and its collaborators will do everything possible to reconcile and unite the feuding factions of identified flashpoints in the district particularly Temaa and Namong communities.
He said the district lacked economic opportunities needed to make inhabitants become economically self sufficient and thereby asked residents of Temaa and Namong communities to co-exist peacefully.
The Behisung drama group staged local performance to reorient the psyche of residents of the area on the dangers associated with conflicts and the benefits of peace.

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