Friday, September 2, 2011


Aidem Sumara, Speaker of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology’s Ghana National Students Parliament Speaker has added his voice to the call on politicians to cease fire on the politics of insults that is gaining notoriety in the country.
His call came in support of both the sitting Vice President John Dramani Mahama and his processor Alhaji Aliu Mahama’s crusade against the politics of insults and character assassination.
Aidem Sumara made the call at a colorful ceremony in Savelugu where the “Better Ghana Caravan Project 2011” delegation visited there as part of its weeklong study tour of the northern region.
“Politics of insults does not build the moral formation of us the youth of Ghana for which reason our politicians should stop that sub culture now” he stressed.
The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Ghana National Students Parliament Speaker urged politicians to serve the collective interest of Ghanaians in their political discourse by being constructive in their judgement on national issues.
Aidem Sumara further condemned the practice in which the youth are used in causing violence in their communities during elections, hence the need for politicians to rather invest in the vulnerable to contribute their quota towards nation building.
Prince Mohammed Askia, District Chief executive for Savelugu/Nantong saw the need for government to develop a comprehensive youth policy to give the youth more power to make informed input into national decisions.
He implored the people of Savelugu/Nantong district to zealously preserve the peace they have enjoyed lately by refraining from acts that will destabilize the area.
Prince Askia Mohammed reassured the people of the Savelugu/Nantong district of government’s commitment to extend meaningful development to the area.
Naa Mahamang, the Regent of Savelugu bemoaned the alarming rate of illegal abortion in Savelugu which he revealed had claimed more lives.
He appealed to parents to inculcate good morals in their children that will groom them to become responsible adults in society.
Mr. Shaibu Ziblim, Northern Regional Coordinator of the National Youth Authority who is leading the delegation mentioned Tolon, Savelugu and East Mamprusi as some of the districts visited so far.
He described the tour as very impressive with the expectation that the youth in northern region will take the project more seriously.


The Northern Youth for Peace and Development (NYUPED), a Non Governmental Organization has finally declared holy war (Jihad) on the Mills-Mahama led NDC administration by notifying the northern regional police command on its intended demonstration on September 10, 2011. The demonstration is intended to expose government on what the organization considers the Mills-Mahama led NDC administrations failed promised to allocate Gh200 million cedis to the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority to implement its programmes. The organization as part of its grand agenda paid courtesy calls on some chiefs and opinion leaders in Tamale including the chief of Tamale Naa Dakpema Dawuni Alhassan and the Gukpegu Regent Abdulai Ziblim to seek their support ahead of the September 10 demonstration. Prince Hardi Adams, Executive Director of the Northern Youth for Peace and Development declared the Jihad on government at a news conference in Tamale as part of preparations towards the September 10, demonstration. “Our organization is highly disappointed in the President Atta Mills NDC government’s handling of the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA) which is supposed to serve as a vehicle for the growth and development of the three northern regions of Ghana.” “Government’s lackadaisical financial commitment towards the smooth implementation of the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA) has confirmed our suspicion of the deception being perpetuated by the Atta Mills led NDC administration” he fumed. Prince Hardi Adams said the people of northern Ghana’s patience on the implementation of the SADA programmes had been overstretched and that they could no longer wait for the “So called donor conference” government has trumpeted since 2009. “We have been told by the NDC government which pledged Gh200 million cedis as seed capital that there is going to be donor conference on SADA: the question we as is what if the donors at the end of the much awaited conference fail to make financial commitment at the end of the day” Prince Hardi interrogated. The Northern Youth for Peace and Development’s Executive Director earlier in an interview with FIILA News said nothing will stop it from organizing what it expects to be a mammoth demonstration in Tamale. Prince Hardi Adams explained that the decision was borne out of Parliament’s recent authorization of the controversial 3 billion Chinese loan facility without a substantial amount of it being allocated for SADA. This, he noted justified government’s insensitivity to the people of Northern Ghana. Prince Hardi Adams took a swipe at the Majority leader of Parliament, Hon. Cletus Avoka, Minister for Communication, Hon. Harunah Iddrisu and other Parliamentarians of Northern extraction who were instrumental during the 3 billion loan facility’s authorization, without admonishing government to factor SADA into the deal. Questioned on the suspension of an earlier demonstration slated for Tuesday May 31, 2011, Prince Hardi Adams pointed to government’s reassurance that a substantial amount had been allocated for SADA in the 2011 supplementary budget. The Northern Youth for Peace and Development Executive Director maintained that Vice president John Dramani Mahama and all Ministers of Northern extraction have been disingenuous to their kinsmen; hence NYUPED’s call for their resignation was still relevant.  


Despite the struggles and efforts by the Chief Executive Officer of the Tamale Teaching Hospital (TTH), Dr. Kenneth Dadzie Sargoe to revive the Tamale Teaching Hospital from its crawling slumber, self-centered persons and saboteurs who claimed to be concern and understand the plight of the poor Northners are crippling the visionary leader of the only teaching hospital in the north. Information reaching Fiila News from a reputable source closed to management of the hospital indicates that the CEO despite his gigantic achievement in the hospital since assumption of office in March, 2008, has now been turned into a punching by the Board Chairman of the Hospital, Dr. Mutawakilu Iddrisu calling for his downfall. This according to our source revealed that there is a contract being place for biding to build a fence wall around the Hospital to prevent the scrupulous encroachment into the land of the Hospital. The source allegedly stated that the Board Chairman is pushing for the contract to be awarded to the son of the late NDC Regional Chairman Alhaji Abukari Sumani whiles the CEO is also asking for qualify contractors to biding for the contract. This signal according to the information culminated to the board chairman’s decision to have allegedly dinging a grave pit for Dr. Sargoe’s to fall. Mr. Sargoe since he took over the office as CEO brought tremendous transformation into the hospital, both in infrastructural development, and human resource building. He was also an instrumental figure in the ongoing rehabilitation, refurbishment and renovation of the hospital which nearly collapse. Fiila News source also disclosed that most of the medical officers when the rumors got to them threaten to vacate their work in tamale provided the CEO is leaving the hospital. Upon the entire great legacy set by Dr. Sargoe, nothing beneficial is being given to this noble man but rather for some self-centered people to read tribal, political and chieftaincy sentiment into issues. When our Reporter Saaka Alhassan contacted the CEO he declined commenting on the issue but only say God will surely see the right man through.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Four children aged between 9 and 15 were nearly lynched over the weekend by angry residents of two localities in Tamale for stealing a cock and a sheep. The issue of children gaining notoriety in stealing rekindled concerns about irresponsible parenthood within the Tamale Metropolis, after these youngsters were subjected to severe beatings by their captors. In the first instance, 12-year-old Jabaru Abdul Rauf and 11-year-old Tahiru Rashid were arrested by residents of Kalpohin Estates after stealing a white cock. According to some eyewitnesses, the two were seen loitering around the area and were monitored by someone within the vicinity. The young miscreants patiently trailed the cock, pounced on it and immediately stuffed it in a polythene bag they were holding for their operations and tried deserting the scene. The owner, who all this while was monitoring their activities, immediately arrived at the scene and questioned them, but the two started shivering. Onlookers immediately started beating up the poor boys mercilessly, regardless of their pleas for mercy. It took the timely intervention of some good Samaritans to rescue the young thieves from being lynched by the angry residents who accused them of stealing other items. They were whisked away and warned to desist from stealing from the area or risk losing their lives. In the other incident, two youngsters were also arrested for stealing a sheep at Wurishie, another suburb of the Tamale metropolis. The alleged thieves, Mohammed Mahe, 15, and Fuseini Mohammed, 9, both from Kumbungu in the Tolon-Kumbungu District, in the early hours of Friday, stole the sheep belonging to a resident in Wurishe-T. Poly, Tamale. Their arrest incurred the fury of youth of the area who beat and nearly lynched them, but for the intervention of the chief of the area, Wurishe-naa Shaibu. The news of the arrest, which spread like wild fire in the neighborhood, brought a lot of tension at the scene as neighbours came out with sticks and other dangerous weapons to maim the alleged thieves. Wurishe-naa Shaibu had a hectic time calming nerves before he could rescue the boys from the mob, who complained of loss of property including animals and motorbikes and therefore accused the boys of having a hand in the disappearance of their goods. Even with the intervention of the chief, the mob indicated that they would cut the hands or fingers of the boys to serve as a deterrent to others, vowing that they would kill any criminal who dared steal in the area in future. The two, after stealing the animal, carried it to the Kumbungu lorry station in Tamale and put it in an awaiting lorry to Kumbungu, but were grabbed when they decided to go back for another sheep. The young thieves sustained various degrees of injury as a result of the beatings they received at the hands of the mob. They reportedly confessed, to the utter dismay of the crowd, of their involvement in a number of thefts in the area and other suburbs of Tamale. Mohammed Mahe, the leader, admitted that they had been in the business for a long time, adding that they stole about four to five animals on each operation from Tamale. The stolen animals were handed over to their boss, whom they failed to name, who in turn sold them to butchers in Kumbungu and other communities in the area. As at our reporter Saaka Alhassan was at the scene, the alleged thieves were being taken to Kumbungu to identify four other accomplices believed to be the benefactors of the teenage boys, before the matter could be reported to the police.


The Northern Youth for Peace and Development (NYUPED) says nothing stops it from organizing a mammoth demonstration in Tamale on September 10, 2011 against government over the Mills-Mahama led NDC administration’s “Lackadaisical financial commitment” towards the smooth implementation of the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority. Prince Hardi Adams, Executive Director of the Northern Youth for Peace and Development insinuated that Parliament’s authorization of the controversial 3 billion Chinese loan facility without a substantial amount of it allocated for SADA justified government’s insensitivity to the people of northern Ghana. He took a swipe at the Majority leader of Parliament, Hon. Cletus Avoka, the Minister for Communication, Hon. Harunah Iddrisu and other Parliamentarians of northern extraction who were instrumental during the 3 billion loan facility’s authorization, without admonishing government to factor SADA into the deal. Prince Hardi Adams who arrived in Tamale over the weekend to make the necessary arrangements ahead of the planned demonstration slated for September 10 described as “a mere political rhetoric” government’s Gh25 million cedis captured on the 2011 supplementary for SADA. This, according to the Northern Youth for Peace and Development’s Executive Director fell short of the NDC’S 2008 campaign promise. “President Mills promised to release an initial Gh200 million cedis as seed capital for the implementation of the SADA and the subsequent release of Gh100 million every year into it: we are yet to realize the fulfillment of that promise” he recalled. Questioned on the suspension of an earlier demonstration announced on Tuesday May 31, 2011, Prince Hardi Adams pointed to government’s reassurance that a substantial amount had been allocated for SADA in the 2011 supplementary budget. The Northern Youth for Peace and Development’s Executive Director said the people of northern Ghana could no longer tolerate governments back and forth on the slow pace of the implementation of SADA touted as a pro-poor government policy expected to bridge the wide developmental disparities between northern and southern Ghana. “The intended demonstration is to mobilize the youth of the three northern regions to come out and demonstrate to the entire world that we are now awake and will no longer kowtow to the NDC government’s deceit and lies on SADA” Prince Hardi insisted. It will be recalled that the Northern Youth for Peace and Development that holds government on check concerning the smooth implementation of the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority at its recent news conference in Tamale demanded an unqualified apology from President John Mills for deceiving Ghanaians to believe that an amount of Gh25 million cedis had been deposited in the SADA kitty. NYUPED claimed that President John Mills quickly directed his Minister for Finance to smartly capture on the 2011 supplementary budget that an amount of Gh25 million cedis had been allocated for SADA. This directive the organization believed was borne out of its earlier threat to embark on series of demonstrations in northern Ghana over delays in allocating funds for the SADA projects to take off seriously. The Northern Youth for Peace and Development maintained that Vice president John Dramani Mahama and all Ministers of northern extraction have been disingenuous to their kinsmen; hence NYUPED’s call for their resignation was still relevant.


The Northern Patriots in Research and Advocacy (NORPRA), has called Northerners not to renew the mandate of current legislatures from Northern Ghana in the 2012 general elections. According to the pressure group, both NPP and NDC legislatures in parliament have over the years failed to champion the cause of Northern Ghana and articulate the concerns of their constituents. Adding, “They have woefully failed in their core mandate to check government’s diversion, conversion and misappropriation of public funds meant for the development of Northern Ghana. In a press statement issued to Fiila News and sign by the President. Ayorogo Adongo Bismark, recalled that Parliament in 2008 approved a loan of US$500 million from the government of Brazil for the construction of two projects including the Pwalugu Hydroelectric Power Project in the Upper East Region and another one in Juale in the Northern Region. However, the Pwalugu Hydroelectric Power Project was deleted from the government’s major policy statement for 2010 titled the Budget Statement and Economic Policies. NORPRA quoted the page 6 of government’s Top 50 Achievements published this year, saying “the government under the full watch and supervision of President John Evans Mills and his Vice John Mahama diverted and converted US$250 million being half of the loan from the Brazilian Government for construction of a different project at the Eastern Corridor”. The signals from this development, it said point to the fact that the two hydro-electric power projects to be executed in Northern Ghana have been abandoned, stressing that by this action, government and parliament owe the people of Ghana an explanation on when the Eastern Corridor’s Road Project was approved in parliament. NORPRA’s statement further indicated that, it is common knowledge that the 4-year social contract between the NDC and Northerners in the 2008 elections was to immediately set up the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA) with initial seed capital of GH¢200 million and annual contribution of GH¢100 million for 20 years. However, the statement observed that not even a quarter of the contract has been executed and not even a single bold and objective-minded Member of Parliament from the North has made any strong case for government to deliver its part of the contract. The statement further observed that the approved loan of US$3 billion from China meant to finance a number of major development projects in the country did not mention of a single project taking place in Northern Ghana, yet no Northern MP on the floor of parliament thought it wise drawing government’s attention to it. “Indeed it was sad to see most Northern MPs very excited in the massive voice vote for the loan without pausing to think of whether or not their Constituents will benefit from the facility which is to be paid back by all Ghanaians in the foreseeable future” it pointed out. Undisputedly, the apparent failure of the Northern MPs to push for the US$3 billion loan facility to include projects in the North, their silence on inadequate budgetary allocation to SADA multiplied by their failure to stop government from diverting and converting funds meant for the two energy projects in the North, the statement noted, were clear manifestations of the fact that they were in parliament for a different agenda rather than championing the development of Northern Ghana and the interest of their constituents. The statement pointed out that, the failure of the President to responsibly consider allocating a reasonable sum of money from this huge loan facility to finance SADA projects was not only an imitation of his predecessor’s life in the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) experience, but clearly deepens the feelings of most Ghanaians that the SADA programme and for that matter Northern Ghana’s development was simply more of a joke than a priority of the Mills/Mahama led administration. The statement concluded by reassuring all members of parliament from Northern Ghana of NORPRA’s great commitment to ensure that they (MPs) suffer the penalty for not doing enough in the struggle for an accelerated development of Northern Ghana.


Self-Help Groups of persons with mental illness and epilepsy and their primary caregivers in the Northern Region, have called on members of the country’s legislature to endeavor to speed up the passage of the Mental Health Bill without further delay. They also appealed to the government to consider setting aside a component of the District Assemblies Common Fund, for persons with mental illness just as it did for Persons With Disabilities. The 12 Self-Help Groups consisting of 216 people who came from 12 Districts, made the call at a workshop organized by BasicNeeds Ghana in the Tolon-Kumbungu District. During their two-day residential training workshop, they were taught how to advocate properly alongside with good communication and lobbying skills. According to Dokurugu Adam Yahaya, Community Projects Coordinator of the NGO, the objective of the workshop was to enable participants advocate effectively for support from duty bearers, towards addressing serious issues bothering on mental health at the district and community levels. Alhassan Mohammed Awal, facilitator of the workshop told participants that in advocacy, the issues must be well communicated through the right channels to the appropriate authority. According to him, as vulnerable groups they must be able to identify the issues they are faced with, the goals and objectives, target audience, build support, develop the message, identify channels of communication and raise funds before implementing them. Adding that, anything short of this procedure, they would fail to achieve their objective. Meanwhile, the new Mental Health Bill drafted in 2004, though delayed for many years, seeks, when finally passed into law, to improve the care of poor, vulnerable people with mental illness or epilepsy, safeguard their human rights and promote their participation in restoration and recovery. BasicNeeds since 2002 has reached 18,838 people with mental illness or epilepsy from over 18,700 families, together with 18,335 care-givers in Northern Ghana and some parts of Accra.


Muslims in Tamale marked this year’s Eid ul fetir festival at the various prayer grounds where thanks and praises were showered on Allah for the blessings he has bestowed on Ghana which was recently ranked by the Global Peace Index as the World’s 42nd and Africa’s 3rd most peaceful country. Deputy northern regional Minister, Mr. San Nasamu Asabigi joined thousands of Muslims at the Jubilee Park where the Chief Imam of Tamale, Sheikh Abdul Salam Abubakari led the two rakat congregational prayer. Mr. Nasamu Asabigi urged Muslims in Ghana to turn a new life by forgiving one another and make peace with their neighbours. “I am urging each and every one of you to turn a new page in your life by forgiving and making peace with one another because it will be absurd for one to fast and pray for forgiveness from Allah yet fail to show compassion to your fellow brothers and sisters.” The Deputy northern regional Minister also called for peaceful co-existence in the entire northern for development to thrive. “It is my hope and prayer that Allah has indeed heard and received our supplications conveyed to him and that the region will be touched and blessed for all of us to live in peace and harmony for government to extend the needed development to this part of the country,” Mr. Nasamu stressed. He commended the leaders of the various Islamic sects in Tamale for the civil manner they conducted themselves during the Quranic commentary on radio throughout the Ramadan period. “Let me express our appreciation to our Imams for the civil and responsible manner they onducted this year’s Ramadan Quranic commentary (the Tafsir) on radio.” Elsewhere in Gumani, a suburb of Tamale, Chief Imam and spiritual leader of the Salawaatiya Muslim Mission in Ghana reiterated the need for Muslims in Ghana to offer special prayers for peace before, during and after the 2012 general elections. He prayed for Allah's protection and guidance on the entire government machinery, chiefs and leaders of the various political parties and their overwhelming supporters as elections 2012 are fast approaching.


Some aggrieved customers of SGSSB, Tamale Branch on Monday August 29, 2011 run amok in the bank’s premises over the delay in payment of their much expected salaries for the month August. The aggrieved customers most of who are on government’s pay roll chanted war songs for several hours and vowed never to leave the bank’s premises until their salaries are paid. Majority of them being Muslims expressed their frustrations the more because of the upcoming Eid-ul fetir (salah) festival which begins Tuesday August 30, 2011. Nurses among them declared to Citi News their intention not to get back to work awaiting their salaries payment. But Mr. Godfred A.B Otoo, the branch Manager told Citi News some anomalies were detected on the pay vouchers hence the delay. He gave the assurance that the headquarters was working round the clock to rectify the anomalies for payments to be effected. Mr. Godfred Otoo thereby pleaded with the frustrated customers to exercise maximum restraint while efforts are been made to address their concerns.


Muslim scholars in the Tamale metropolis have ended this year’s Ramadan Quranic commentary dubbed, (the Tafsir) with a call on Allah to protect Ghana from recent disasters that have inundated several nations in the World. At Gumani, a suburb of the Tamale metropolis, Muslims from all walks of life joined hands with the Chief Imam and spiritual leader of the Salawaatiya Muslim Mission in Ghana and thanked Allah for a happy Ramadan season and as well prayed for a prosperous nation. Emphasizing that Muslims believed in the Holy Qur’an and the teachings of the Prophet of Islam, S.A.W Mohammed, Sheikh Imam Hussein Rashid affectionately called Kutubu zamaani reminded leaders of the various Islamic sects in Tamale of their responsibility to foster unity and cooperation among their brethren rather than deepening hatred. The Salawaatiya Muslim Mission spiritual leader regretted that some Muslim leaders in the northern region have gotten themselves emotionally carried away on political and chieftaincy lines which he noted do not augur well for the area’s socio-economic development. He encouraged the youth of Dagbon to rise above petty squabbles and build bridges to redeem the sinking image of the Dagbon Kingdom. Sheikh Imam Hussein Rashid also appealed to Muslims in Ghana to offer special prayers for peace before, during and after the 2012 general elections. He prayed for Allah's protection and guidance on the entire government machinery, chiefs and leaders of the various political parties and their teeming supporters in the country. Other renowned Islamic scholars including Dr. Alhussein Zakariah, Chairman for the Inter-religious dialogue committee, Sheikh Rufai, a lecturer from the Ahmed Belo University in Nigeria, Mallam Fari, Sheikh Amin Sawaaba and Sheikh Baba Musah of Gumani fame expressed their profound gratitude to the Salawaatiya Muslim Mission spiritual leader for the exemplary role he plays in propagating the doctrines of Islam worldwide.


A delegation from the National Youth Authority’s newly introduced project codenamed; “Better Ghana Caravan project 2011” has arrived in Tamale to begin a week’s study tour of the northern region. The move forms part of the National Youth Authorities agenda towards the launch of the National Youth Parliament on November 1st 2011. Deputy northern regional Minister, Mr. San Nasamu Asabigi welcomed the delegates and pledged the Regional Coordinating Council’s willpower to make the project succeed in the region. Mr. Nasamu Asabigi urged the youth to offer constructive suggestions to help government build a productive nation in line with the Better Ghana agenda. Speaker of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology’s Ghana National Students Parliament, Aidem Sumara called on government to attach importance to the launch of the National Youth Parliament by making available the needed resources to make the dream come true. Aidem Sumara said the youth of Ghana were ever ready to take up the mantle of leadership for which reason government should put them at the centre of national development. A Deputy national Coordinator of the National Youth Employment, Prince Derrick Adjei disclosed the NYEP’s intension to use the project to preach peace before, during and after the 2012 general elections. He said the Better Ghana Caravan 2011 project and similar ones in the pipeline meant government was ever ready to put the youth at the centre stage of national development. Northern regional Coordinator of the National Youth Authority, Mr. Shaibu who is leading the weeklong tour outlined the schedules part of which will be courtesy calls on some selected chiefs where the youth will deliberate on conflict prevention and peace building.