Thursday, September 1, 2011


A delegation from the National Youth Authority’s newly introduced project codenamed; “Better Ghana Caravan project 2011” has arrived in Tamale to begin a week’s study tour of the northern region. The move forms part of the National Youth Authorities agenda towards the launch of the National Youth Parliament on November 1st 2011. Deputy northern regional Minister, Mr. San Nasamu Asabigi welcomed the delegates and pledged the Regional Coordinating Council’s willpower to make the project succeed in the region. Mr. Nasamu Asabigi urged the youth to offer constructive suggestions to help government build a productive nation in line with the Better Ghana agenda. Speaker of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology’s Ghana National Students Parliament, Aidem Sumara called on government to attach importance to the launch of the National Youth Parliament by making available the needed resources to make the dream come true. Aidem Sumara said the youth of Ghana were ever ready to take up the mantle of leadership for which reason government should put them at the centre of national development. A Deputy national Coordinator of the National Youth Employment, Prince Derrick Adjei disclosed the NYEP’s intension to use the project to preach peace before, during and after the 2012 general elections. He said the Better Ghana Caravan 2011 project and similar ones in the pipeline meant government was ever ready to put the youth at the centre stage of national development. Northern regional Coordinator of the National Youth Authority, Mr. Shaibu who is leading the weeklong tour outlined the schedules part of which will be courtesy calls on some selected chiefs where the youth will deliberate on conflict prevention and peace building.  

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