Sunday, August 18, 2013

Northern region records 815 malaria deaths in 2012

-->The latest stats available at the Northern Region Health Directorate have revealed that the Northern region recorded 815 deaths caused by malaria at the various health facilities across the region in 2012.
A total of 183,351 regional trend of malaria cases were admitted with Chereponi having 3,025, Bimbila 2,799, Gushiegu 4,083, Karaga 2,245, Savelugu 2,984 and the Tamale Teaching Hospital 3,137.
 It was revealed that the Regional Intermittent Preventive Treatment (IPT2) coverage increased from 58.2 percent in 2011 to 62.0 percent in 2012. The region has also showed a gradual increasing trend from 51.3 percent in 2008 to 62 percent in 2012.
This was revealed by the Northern Regional Coordinator of Roll Back Malaria, Dr. John Abenyeri during a presentation on the status of malaria prevalence in the region at a meeting organized in Tamale by the Coalition of NGO’s in malaria.
Dr. Abenyeri recalled that in 2010, the region witnessed the introduction of the second edition of the Anti-malaria drug policy.
This, he said was accompanied by the training of 1,500 health staff in malaria case management especially in pregnant women. 
Despite the tremendous interventions put in place to eradicate malaria diseases in the region, Dr. Abenyeri mentioned inadequate monitoring and supervision, inadequate feedback to districts and submission of financial and technical/narrative returns for funds received as some of the major challenges.
On the way forward, he underscored the need for the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) to address the high drop out between IPT1 and IPT3 Intermittent Preventive Treatment in pregnancy (IPTp). 
Dr. Abenyeri recommended that there should be improvement in monitoring and supervision of malaria cases and the timely submission of financial and technical as well as narrative returns for funds received by the districts.
Malaria has over the years continued to be one of the major public health challenges for all age groups not only in the northern region but the country as a whole.
Several interventions have been put in place to address the challenge of malaria spanning over several years including the introduction of Roll Back Malaria (RBM) Initiative in the 1998 involving Heads of African States resulting in the Abuja Declaration.

Since the latter half of the year 2005, the region together with funding support from the Global Fund through the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) has intensified its efforts in the fight against malaria till it becomes a disease of no public health importance.

Ghana’s to increase non-traditional export to 5.0 billion dollars

The Ministry of Trade and Industry (MOTI) is to increase the country’s non-traditional export from the current export value of 2.64 billion to 5.0 billion dollars by 2017.
This will enhance the Gross Domestic Product of the country to increase the national income.
The country also aims at generating considerable number of jobs and incomes, which will be translated into improved standard of living and welfare of the people to consolidate the middle-income status. 
Mr. Gerald Nyarko-Mensah, Acting Director of Export Trade of MOTI, made this known at the weekend during the launch of the National Export Strategy in Tamale.
He said the strategy formed part of the national strategy for the non-traditional export sector from 2013 to 2017. The launch was patronized by exporters, producers and processors in the trade and export industry and politicians.
Mr. Nyarko-Mensah said the country needs an investment capital of 600 million dollars to implement the National Export Strategy document, which among other things, would build the capacities of the Ghana Export Promotion Authority and the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies to enable the country achieve the goal.
According to him, the country would no longer depend solely on the export commodities but would over the period invest in fresh and processed fish, vegetable oils, root crops, grains and legumes, natural rubber and products of the creative arts.
Mr. Nyarko-Mensah said the strategy would put Ghana on the global map as a world class exporter of competitive products and services, to reduce poverty and promote sustainable environmental development and improve the balance in spatial and regional development.
Minister of Trade and Industry, Haruna Iddrisu, said government is committed to doubling the country’s non-traditional export sector with the priority of making the country the destination for export trade.
He said the primary constraints militating against Ghanaian exporters are their inability to add quality to their products to meet international standards. Mr. Iddrisu advised them to produce quality products to meet international market standards.

Northern Regional Coordinating Council to institute performance league-table for MMDAs

The Northern Regional Minister, Bede Aawotaazumo Ziedeng has revealed that the Northern Regional Coordinating Council (RCC) will soon institute a league-table on the performance of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) in the region.

The league table will however indicates the status of implementation of projects, programmes and activities in each district and place them in order of merit. It will also serve as a motivator to hardworking assemblies and remind non-performing ones to pull their weight or blamed and sactioned appropriately.

Mr. Bede Aawotaazumo Ziedeng made the revealation at a meeting with Presiding members, Coordinating Directors, Heads of Departments and MMDCEs in the region at the Northern Regional Coordinating Council.

The Minister said assemblies need to continuesly remind themselves about their mandate of mobilizing resources to make life better for their people. In that regard the minister emphasized the importance for the assemblies to give utmost attention to the mobilization of their own resources rather than solely relying on external sources.

Mr. Ziedeng pointed out that in 2012, revenue generation in assemblies in the northern region averaged 76.15 percent which was an increase of 17 percent from the previous year.

He said some districts however generated revenue as low as 17.21 percent of their targets. Despite the peace the northern region is currently enjoying Mr. Ziedeng said that cannot be taken for granted and made a special appeal to all areas with disputes especially chieftaincy to resort to dialogue and negotiations as a means of resolving their differences.

The regional minister also urged MMDAs to revitalize their district security committees and make them more proactive to deal with potential sources of conflicts before they escalate.