Monday, July 12, 2010

Professor Emeritus Archbishop Desmond Tutu has challenged the African Media to save the continent from racial oppression by highlighting negative human practices that affect the socio-economic development of the less privilege in society.
He asserted that the African Journalists lately were backslapping to the directives of their paymasters, a practice he regretted was detrimental to Africa’s quest to meet its liberation by crying with one voice as the theme of this year’s Highway Africa Media Conference dubbed “African voices-in the global media” suggested.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu despite his old age was at his usual best as guest speaker at a dinner organized in Grahamstown as part of activities to climax the 14th edition of this year’s Highway Africa Media Conference.
He recounted days during the Apartheid era when South Africa’s public broadcaster, the South African Broadcasting Corporation was remote controlled by the white leadership and said such times should not be repeated in present day Africa.
Professor Emeritus Desmond Tutu confessed that he never dreamt of Africa hosting such a big event like the 2010 FIFA World Cup Tournament but that South Africa has done it to prove that Africa is more than capable of hosting similar events.
He praised Ghana’s senior national team for making Africa proud by progressing through to the quarter final stage and thereby endorsed the re-branding of the Black Stars as “Africa Stars” in other words known as “BafanaBaGhana.”

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