Friday, May 6, 2011


Keeping the city out of rid of filth was one of the core principles of the Mills led NDC administration but the situation has seemed to become a mirage in most part of the country and Tamale Metropolis in particular.
It was of no surprised that the cholera outbreak strikes the country and Tamale was of no exception as most suburb of the Metropolis is engulfed with filth.
Lamakarah, Zogbeli, Nyohini and Lamashegu are of the list where gutters are choked with pungent choking smells which are within the central business town of the Metropolis.
Residents around these areas sit unconcern about the situation waiting for the Metropolitan Assembly’s intervention.
In an interview with some residents around Zogbeli, they claimed the responsibility to distilled gutters and keep refuse dumps clean is place on the Assembly not residents.
Most residents lambasted the Metropolitan Assembly for it inability to keep the metropolis rid of filth.
The Metropolis is likely to lose its pride of being the neatest city in the country if strict interventions are not taken to address the sanitation problem in the Metropolis.
When our newsmen spoke with the Assembly Member of Zogbeli electoral area, Mohammed Polo was regretful about the sanitation problem in his electoral area and promised to address the situation as soon as possible.

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