Wednesday, August 24, 2011



About 10,240 Ghanaian redeployed pupil teachers have petitioned President John Evans Atta Mills to fast track the payment of their severance award due them as ordered by the Supreme Court of Ghana’s ruling on suit NO MISC 2076/97 of April 1997.
The disgruntled redeployed pupil teachers recounted how under very harsh working conditions they served Ghana their beloved country several years to improve the educational standards in their communities and hamlets where the few trained teachers at the time refused postings to.
In the petition, the frustrated redeployed pupil teachers said they held the fort working relentlessly to serve their nation only to be wiped off under very uncompromising circumstances during a mass redeployment exercise aimed at replacing their members with trained teachers in all public schools between 1986-87.
Mr. Bawa Abdul Wahab, northern regional Coordinator of the Redeployed Pupil Teachers Association made available a copy of their petition to Newsmen in Tamale.
According to Mr. Bawa Abdul Wahab, the Redeployed Pupil Teachers Association national secretariat made a similar request during the erstwhile NPP administration and that former President John Agyekum Kufour authorized his then Minister for Finance to pay about 7,240 of the association’s registered members 300 Ghana cedis each.
He revealed that majority of the redeployed pupil teachers contributed to the Social Security Fund and have since 1987 not benefited from their contributions.
Mr. Bawa Abdul Wahab, the northern regional Coordinator of the Redeployed Pupil Teachers Association therefore appealed to President John Mills to speed up the process in paying them their severance award.

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