Friday, September 9, 2011


The Mayor of Tamale, Alhaji Abudulai Harruna Friday, has commended Chiefs, religious and other community leaders highly for their various roles in the sustenance of peace in their respective areas which he said has tremendously boosted investor confidence in the Metropolis. According to Alhaji Harruna Friday, the Metropolitan Assembly and indeed government was well aware of their individual and collective effort to ensuring that Tamale and its environs remained peaceful for a cohesive national development which cannot afford to be left behind. Alhaji Harruna Friday made the commendation during separate working visits to eighteen (18) communities in three Electoral Areas in the rural and peri-urban areas of the Metropolis to interact with residents there and also to re-assure them of the Assembly’s continuous and unwavering commitment to the development of all parts of the city. The visits also formed part of measures by the Assembly to have first hand information on the various developmental challenges facing the people as a community and try to fashion out appropriate solutions to them. Some of the communities covered by the tour are Sanga, Kpunjiling, Kukipihi, Garizegu, Mamandu, Nyarizee,Kun-nyevilla, Samaba, Nyohini and Parrin. Alhaji Harruna Friday who was accompanied on the tour by Hon. Prince A.A. Mohammed, Presiding Member of the Assembly and other Management staff said one of the leadership and management style adopted by the Assembly is to constantly be in touch with the people at the grassroots by holding direct interaction and discussions at their respective doorsteps so as to let them feel part of the Governance process. The people in almost all the communities visited appealed for various developmental interventions ranging from the provision of electricity, safe drinking water, good and access roads, new schools, job opportunities, support for Agriculture and micro-finance assistance for women groups among others. In response, Alhaji Harruna Friday re-affirmed Government’s commitment to ensure the extension of the National Electricity Grid to all parts of the country where possible and assured that all communities that have been earmarked to benefit from the Rural Electrification Pprogramme would benefit.    

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