Thursday, January 9, 2014

Monies are not refunded by utility providers – Consumers cry

Some consumers in the Northern region are complaining bitterly that utility providers have not refunded their monies, despite government’s instructions to do so.
Most of these consumers wondered why the Volta River Authority (VRA) has refused to abide by the instructions by government, hence describing it as a deceit and palpably signifies a sabotage of the ruling government in pursuing its better Ghana agenda.
In October last year, the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission permitted the Volta River Authority and Ghana Water Company to increase their billing rates by 78.9 and 54 percentage points respectively.
This “wham-bam” bulk increase in utility tariffs met a public outcry across the country which compelled the government to absorb the increment by subsidizing the utility tariff by 25 percent.
Consumers were now to pay 59.18 percent instead of the 78.9 percent increment announced.
Despite the 25 percent subsidy, others were not enthused saying it will not make any difference in mitigating cost of operation especially in the small scale businesses.
However, on 18th November, 2013, at a news conference, officials of the VRA assured consumers they will be refunding monies due them.
October monies according to them were to be in December while December’s own will be refunded this month. But this has not been the case.
Speaking to the Public Relations Manager of VRA, Alhaji Mohammed Siam, admitted that some category of customers have not received their monies as a result of technical challenges.
According to him, such category meters did not come with their software which is making it very difficult for an immediate refund of the monies.
Meanwhile, this problem has been known by them and they went ahead to announce that all customers will be receiving their refund without specifying which category of customers.
Customers are also raising questions as to why if there is an increment it affects immediately and the refund is unable to do so.
However, Alhaji Siam therefore rendered an unqualified apology to their clients and appealed to them to exercise restraint as they are working to refund their monies to them.
He said the Chinese consultants are currently in town to rectify the problem.
By: Saaka Alhassan/

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