Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Security forces to conscientize residents of Tamale on sanitation

Residents of the Tamale Metropolis would soon be seeing security personnel at their doorsteps to conscientize them on the Metropolitan Assembly’s byelaws on sanitation and the need to ensure good sanitary conditions. This is to enable residents of the metropolis to buy into the need for good sanitary condition in the city. It is to also ensure the efficient and effective implementation of the byelaws on sanitation in the metropolitan area.  This would also make people to come to the realization that sanitation is not a fight that people have to toy with.
Mayor of Tamale
The Mayor of Tamale Abdul-Hanan Rahman Gundadow was justifying the inability of the assembly to implement its byelaws on sanitation.  The Tamale Metropolitan Assembly with the strict and coherent sanitation byelaws on sanitation is unable to implement them. Several measures have been outlined in the past to fight against poor sanitation. The assembly has also initiated plans such as the provision of litter bins at strategic locations, refuse containers, mass evacuation exercises and education campaigns, yet residents do not still see the need for good sanitary conditions.  But Mr. Gundadow Hanan believes with the security involved in the conscientization, residents will buy into it and keep their surroundings clean. He says after the conscientization, the assembly will fully implement the byelaws where offenders would be prosecuted and fine.

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