Wednesday, June 23, 2010



The Food and Drugs Board (FDB) has given indications that it will clamp down heavily on institution that treat and cure any ailments with unapproved drugs.
According to FDB, it has identified adverts running in electronic media, purporting that they can cure disease like Fibroid, Kidney among other diseases and therefore women suffering from Fibroid uterus do not need any surgical operation.
The AG Zonal Officer of Food and Drugs Board, Akurugu Gorden made this known to the media in a sensitization meeting with stakeholders involve in the sector in Tamale.
The sensitization meeting aims at sensitizing the public on the effects of consuming unapproved and expired products. He noted that the FDB has not approved or registered with stakeholders involve in the sector in Tamale.
The sensitization meeting aims at sensitizing the public on the effects of consuming unapproved and expired products. He noted that the FDB has not approved or registered any such drug and therefore the safety and efficacy of such drugs are not guaranteed.
He further indicated that punitive actions will be taken against such proprietors who are into that behavior and warned them to withdraw with immediate effect such adverts from the media.
Akurugu Gordon however said the public is cautioned to check and use only products approved by the Food and Drugs Board.
Mr. Akurugu said the Borad is fully committed to its mandates of ensuring the safety, efficacy and quality of food, drugs, cosmetics among others to the public domain.
He emphasized that in achieving this, FDB is strengthening its existing regulatory systems.
He appealed to consumers to take the initiative to report to the Board about their observations and also complain to the manufacturer and ask questions about their products.
He also urged consumers to make a choice of refusing to purchase unwholesome food, counterfeit and substandard products that appears appetizing but has high ample evidence of contamination.
He expressed concerned about the alarming rate of unregistered products in the market. He also appealed to the public to report such cases to the FDB for appropriate measures to be taken.
After the sentisization meeting the Board destroyed expired and unregistered products worth 4,580 Ghana cedis.

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