Friday, June 25, 2010



Research conducted by a development oriented youth group called Conscientize Youth Ambassadors has discovered that about 80 percent of basic school pupils below 18 in the Tamale Metropolis are practicing internet fraud popularly known as “Sakawa”.
The finding disclosed that internet cafes in the Tamale metropolis have always been occupied by children below 18 especially during school hours which it noted should be a concern to all.
The discovery among other emerging factors also cited early sexual relationship among teenagers in basic schools and concluded that the falling standard of education in the Tamale Metropolis should be attributed to such immoral practices.
This came to light at a public lecture organized at the Bagabaga Ridge Junior High School where Abdul Salam Saani of the Conscientize Youth Ambassadors group warned the students against practices that will ruin their future.
He said education had become a huge investment hence the need for parents and school authorities to intensify their monitoring and supervision mechanisms to constantly keep school children in the classroom.
Abdul Salam lamented that attempts to bridge the yawning gap between northern and southern Ghana would be an illusion if efforts were not made to restrict school children from anti social vices that will make them go wayward in society.
Mr. Ben Bukari, Headmaster of Bagabaga Ridge JHS commended the youth group for embarking on that crusade and underscored the need for the students to place premium on their education by reforming their lifestyles.
Miss Rebecca Luntra, the Girls Prefect and Ahmed Awal the Senior Prefect lauded the exercise and urged their colleagues to live exemplary lifestyles that will make them become productive citizens.

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