Tuesday, June 29, 2010



The proposed ongoing unity talks between the Convention People’s Party and the People’s National Convention could become a quandary because the northern region youth wing of PNC is kicking against such move.
The PNC northern region youth wing alluded that a leading figure of the CPP has dolled out GH 5,000 cedis to some self seeking individuals nationwide to champion his political ambition of leading the two Nkrumaists parties to contest the 2012 general elections.
Abdulai Zakaria Abdul Razak, northern regional youth organizer of the PNC at a news conference cautioned such individuals and their paymasters to desist from sabotaging any fruitful yet prospective unity talks between the CPP and the PNC to contest future elections.
The northern regional PNC youth organizer unreservedly warned that the youth will resist attempts to impose any personality from the CPP on PNC members as its unanimous flag bearer for elections 2012.
He asserted that the PNC national leadership has not endorsed any unity talks with leadership of the CPP and that the youth will support any of such moves if the processes initiated would be independent and transparent.
Abdulai Zakaria further rubbished the news conference which was held in Tamale about a month ago to announce the CPP and PNC merger and hinted that the event was organized without the PNC youth participation.
“The covert and shady deliberations characterizing the supposed unity talks as well as the conduct of some key members leave much to be desired: specifically somewhere last month a press conference was held declaring our stance as PNC in support of the unity with the CPP in the northern region without our knowledge,” Abdulai Zakaria explained.
The PNC northern regional youth organizer said the youth in principle were not against the unity talks but that the consultative processes leading to the unity talks should be done in a more transparent manner.

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