Thursday, July 1, 2010



All but only one out of the 20 District Chief Executives in the Northern Region boycotted this year’s 3rd Annual Regional Community Based Organizations (CBO’s) festival held in Tamale at the GNAT Hall without any reason or excuses.
With the exception of Hon. Adam Abudu Zakariah Lord, DCE for the West Mamprusi District, his colleague DCEs boycotted the festival which was celebrated under the theme, “The role of CBO’S in accelerating development of the Northern Region.
Mr. Hussein Sulemana Haruna, Northern Regional Director of the National Commission for Civic Education who doubles as Chairman of the CBO’s sub committee under the auspices of the Ghana Developing Communities Association said the festival sought to deliberate on relevant issues that affected development in the region.
He stressed that the event was organized to emphasize the need for effective networking and collaboration between the Ghana Developing Communities Association and other development partners operating in the area.
Mr. Hussein called on the participants to consider the theme for the festival as a wakeup call and rise up to the challenges and threats that strangulate the grass root development agenda of the Northern Region.
Nyinbung Naa Yakubu Andani, the chief of Kukobila underscored the need for traditional authorities in the northern region to flush out recalcitrant Fulani Herdsmen in their communities.
At the end of the celebration the CBO’s therefore presented a communiqué to the Northern Region Minister on the dangers of the existence of the Fulani herdsmen in the region and the country at large.
A member of the CBO’s Madam Mary Bukari on behalf of her colleagues said that a research conducted by the CBO’s has gathered several atrocities caused by the Fulani herdsmen in the region ranging from robbery, rape, destruction of farm produce, polluting sources of drinking water’s causing of environmental degradation among others.

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