Thursday, August 18, 2011


Campaign for Female Education (CAMFED), an NGO, has organized a two-day career and entrepreneurship fair for over 300 young ladies from 14 districts of the Northern Region aimed at giving them enlightenment and guidance about their life careers and how to achieve them. The fair which is the second of it kind by the organization is under the theme "Possibilities and opportunities", is organized against the backdrop that most young ladies, particularly those from the three Northern Regions, found it difficult to meet their life choices and dreams due to inappropriate choices and poverty. Mrs. Delores Dickson, Executive Director of CAMFED Ghana, in an opening address in Tamale, said there are numerous opportunities in the northern sector for young ladies to turn them into opportunities and successes saying that the fair would broaden their scope to enable them to set long term goals for themselves. She said opportunities abounded for them in the post Senior High School Education and entrepreneurial environments, which they needed to take advantage of to improve their personalities and status. Mrs. Dickson said CAMFED believed that educating girls and providing them with economic opportunities was a sure way of lifting poverty out of families in Africa. Mrs. Elizabeth Desouza Northern Regional Director of the Ghana Education Service, who served as a role model for the young ladies, said it is not easy for her to overcome numerous challenges to attain her status due to the background she came from, but due to hard work and determination, she was able to achieve her dream. She said the current generation of mankind was knowledge-based and nothing stopped the youth from achieving their dreams, adding that the skies cannot even be the limit for them. Mrs. Elizabeth Desouza said the road to success is never smooth and that she faced many difficulties and obstacles but kept moving on. She said failure at first attempt was not the end for anybody but rather an opportunity to improve oneself. Sam Naasamu Asabigi, deputy northern Regional Minister on his part said education of the feminine and their role in development ca no longer be taken for granted saying that there are countless examples of women who have lived to prove that educating the wan is of immense benefit for the nation. He said despite progressed made by women globally, the northern region is still plagued with cultural and social attitudes and institutions that define and shape women’s career choices, skewing them towards occupations with low economic returns. He was worried about how most young women in the north have resigned themselves to their faith with little or no information about the diverse education and career opportunities available in the global village. He therefore urged the young ladies to listen with rap attention what ever they are going to learn from the resource person in order to create a brighter future for themselves and their generations to come.

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