Thursday, August 18, 2011


The Patron of the MTN foundation has paid a courtesy call on the regent of Gulkpegu at his palace to acquaint the basis of the foundation to the chief as custom demand. The call was also to thank the chiefs and people of Tamale for the support and cooperation accorded to the mobile telecommunication network to operate in their jurisdiction. The Patron of the foundation and a member of the British House of Lords Rt. Hon. Paul Boateng, in a brief speech, explained that the foundation is centered in education and health issues which are aimed at ensuring better living standards in the society. In the area of education he recounted the foundation putting up a 6-unit class room block at Zujun, support to Tamale Senior High School worth over 59 thousand Ghana cedis. Rt. Hon. Boateng also announced that a comprehensive plan has been taken by the Foundation in their quest to increase Information Communication Technology (ICT) in the country due to the low literacy rate in ICT. The foundation he said is putting up ultramodern ICT centers across the ten the regions in the country to boost information technology which Tolon is a beneficiary. The member of the British House of Lords disclosed his passion for wellbeing of children and nursing mothers which result the foundation to move into the area of health. He said a lot of package has been put aside for the Tamale Teaching Hospital to help enhance the access to quality health in the region. The Regent of Gulkpegu, Ziblim Alhassan was full of grace to the foundation and its Patrons but however expressed disgust about some challenges people faced in terms of breakups and failure in networks by the Telecommunication giant. The Regent however made a passionate appeal to the foundation to consider renovating palaces of chiefs in the region to befitting status as chiefs serves as the mouth piece of the people. He however commended the foundation for their bold initiative and intervention in the region.

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