Friday, August 5, 2011


The Tamale Metropolitan Director of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), Alhaji Abdul-Razak Saani, says the act of indiscipline and violence that has bedeviled the youth in the Tamale Metropolis is a replica of their parent’s attitude. The NCCE director said children emulate the practice of parents faster being it good or abysmal behavior saying that culminating from this fact that they are lots of violence in the Tamale Metropolis. Alhaji Saani was speaking as a guest speaker at the speech and price given day of Abe-Halperin School under the topic violence against children. Citing Adolf Hitler, he said Hitler inherited his awkward and violent behavior from his parents and hence advised parents to handle their children with dignity and respect. According to him, the abusive treatments some children go through in the hands of parents are some of the fallout of mental retardation, dejectedness, rejected and mostly feel insecure in the hands of their own parents. Alhaji Saani stated categorically that, Acticle 27 and the children’s Act (556) of the constitution indicated clear how parents should bring up their children. Adding, it behooves on every parents to take responsibility of their wards once they brought forth of them. Ahaji Saani also lamented on the falling standard of education in the Metropolis especially the girl-child, enumerating that 60 percent of girls who sat for this year’s Basic Education Certificate Examination failed. This he attributed to the irresponsibility of parents in the Metropolis. The NCCE Boss said due to the irresponsiveness of parents children are languishing in the Tamale market which they call “DaaJugu” literally means Market vultures for their sustenance. He called on parents to live up to expectation and take the responsibility as parents and groom the children to become better future leaders of this great nation

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