Friday, August 5, 2011


The Vice President of the Republic of Ghana, John Dramani Mahama has announce at a special ceremony that Ghana has gone 14 months since it reported it last case of guineas worm after a long battle of over 20 years. He said going 14 months without an indigenous case of Guinea worm disease means the nation has passed one incubation cycle and therefore broken transmission of the disease. Mr. Mahama made this announcement at this years mid-year review meeting of the Guinea worm eradication as part of the celebration of the final phase of the disease in the country. The disease subject to external verification which will occur over the next three years, the Ghana Health Service (GHS) now believes that the disease is no longer present in the country. The battle to eliminate the disease has been waged by GHS in collaboration with the Carter Center and many local and international organizations. He also disclosed that a reward package of 200 Ghana cedis will be given to anyone who can produce a verified Guinea worm case calling on Ghanaians to be at the look out for the disease in the year to come culminating from the fact that the disease can also be re-introduced from other countries. He sited War-torn Sudan, Mali and Ethiopia as the most endemic countries in the world. He added that verification of the disease will be done by GHS in conjunction with World Health Organization (WHO). He therefore cautioned Ghanaians, Ghana Health Service and the collaborators against complacency. Dr. Andrew Seidu Korkor in a presentation said the unit will not relent on their efforts in fighting for the total eradication of guinea worm in the country. He was full of excitement saying it is a legacy that has been left behind by celebrating the last phase in the country. He commended Non Governmental Organizations, civil societies, individuals who contributed in their diverse ways to help eradicate the disease in the country.

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