Friday, September 13, 2013

MTN Ghana Foundation donates infant incubator for Savelugu Hospital

The continuous increase in human population coupled with growing heath care needs of the people in Ghana has given cause to stakeholders to worry hence the need for the provision of adequate infrastructure to support the increasing population.
It is however evidential that the existing government health facilities are over burdened with the task of delivering quality health service with relatively limited resources. 
Government alone cannot resource these facilities across the country which calls for private partnership, as government and various stakeholders in the health sector are determined to achieve MDG4 and 5 by 2015.
In this regard, Ghana’s leading telecommunications company, MTN has donated an infant incubator to the Savelugu             municipal hospital in the Savelugu municipality today.
The donation is, therefore, aimed at providing incubators and ventilators to selected public hospitals which have a need for the facility to improve the survival rate of premature babies.
Abdualah H. Yahaya, Portfolio Advisor for MTN Ghana Foundation, explained that, the statistic available for infant mortality was alarming and requires public private partnership to help improve the situation.
He said donating the essential equipment will relieve the anxiety of the health professionals and parents who have to care for pre-term babies.
Theresa Lardi Bezuo, a Senior Nurse in charge of the Maternal Ward of the hospital receiving the equipment commended MTN Ghana Foundation for the kind gesture saying that the equipment will go a long way to improve quality health care delivery in the hospital.
She added that the equipment will also save more infant lives in the hospital.
 Meanwhile, the maternal ward of the Savelugu municipal hospital is being operated by only five midwives making them overstress on duty.
The situation Madam Theresa Lardi said might hinder quality health care delivery. She therefore called for urgent steps to normalize the situation.                   

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