Monday, September 9, 2013

Parents blamed for acts of immorality in Nanumba districts

A class 14 pupil of the Our lady of Peace Primary School in the Nanumba South District, Mohammed Shakira has expressed concern over the high rate of teenage pregnancy in the area and attribute the cause to parents refusal to reprimand their wards when they go wrong.
She said children who go out in the night and return late are not punished by their parents, and this encourages them to engage in such acts to the detriment of their education.  
Ms Shakira told Fiila News in an interview that, even when citizen vigilantes in the area want to take matters of such nature up, recalcitrant parents come to the defense of their wards.
Shakira was speaking in an exclusive interview with Fiila News over the weekend at the closing ceremony of the Annual Regional Girls Camp organized by ActionAid and its partners aimed at empowering young girls to achieve greater heights in education.
The one-week camp, on the theme: “Empowering Girls Through Education: Securing National development”, brought together over 120 girls from basic schools within three districts in the Northern region.
ActionAid is an international Non Governmental Organization which operates in Ghana and other countries in the Africa Sub-region. ActionAid-Ghana uses a rights based approach that is working within the human rights framework to development to help build peoples power to hold duty bearers to account, protect the rights of the poor and vulnerable with the hope of eradicating poverty.
ActionAid Ghana also invests heavily in education with emphasis on securing girls' and women's right to education, access for excluded groups, adequate resources for education, and works to ensure participation, transparency and accountability in the education sector.
Even though, issues of teenage pregnancies has been reduced drastically in the area due to several interventions put in place by ActionAid and its partners, Shakira said base on the sensitization she has gone through during the one-week stay in the camp, she will continue to advise her colleagues to refrain from acts that have the tendencies of jeopardizing their education. 
Participants who were selected by their respective schools at the regional level through their girl-child officers, were educated on their right to education, interpersonal relationship, how to build self esteem, and protect themselves against domestic violence.
The Nanumba Districts are noted for their high rate of violence against females ranging from defilement, forced marriage, betrothal and rape among others with perpetrators often left to walk away free after the act.
Meanwhile, the project coordinator of “Stop Violence Against Girls, Yakubu Suale indicated that the issue of teenage pregnancies have been reduce in the over 28 project communities of actionaid and its partners.
He stated that such issues were prevalent but due to the intervention of actionaid and its partners such issues have since been nib to the bud. 

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