Friday, July 22, 2011


As part of effort by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to combat climate change and Global warming, the Ghana National Association of Adventists Student (GNAAS) has embarked on a tree planting exercise in Cheyoli in the Tolon-Kunbungu district of the Northern region. The association planted one thousand Accasier and hundred Mango seedlings worth several thousands of Ghana cedis. The president of the Association, Sylvanus Worlanyo Dompey said the initiative is part of the programmme of the year long 30th anniversary celebration of the association. He added that as youth they see the need to contribute their quota in reducing climate change and global warming in the world. Mr. Dompey emphasized the need for tree planting in the country to help present the looming desert which is approaching Ghana and in the north in particular. According to him, the association has chalked a lot of successes in their quest to ensure good health, education and assisting the less privileged in the society. He announced that the climax of the year long anniversary celebration of the association will take place in Cape Coast 7th august 30th in the central region. The President of northern Ghana Mission of the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA), Pastor Alfred Agyei-Baah, in a brief sermon, advised the youth to live exemplary lives as children of God for others to emulate. He stated that the humble beginning of everything great laurels to earmark for its inventor. He encouraged the youth to embark on more initiatives of this kind for their reward is in heaven. According to the president of the Northern Ghana Mission SDA, technology has exposed the society to environmental dangers and called for a collaborative effort to combat this menace. The Chief of Cheyoli, N’Yab CheyoliNaa Al-hassan Nyindoo commended the association for their effort and for choosing his community to plant those seedlings. He said the community is the fortunate among the computing communities in the region. The Chief therefore pledged his outermost support to the project.

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