Friday, August 16, 2013

Fufulso residents threatens MP not to step his foot in the community

The absence of electricity in Fufulso community and its environs in the Central Gonja Districts has incurred the wrath of residents upon wiring have been done for almost 5 years ago.
 Angry residents of the area have thus threatened the Member of Parliament for Yape-Kusawgu constituency, Amadu Seidu not to step his foot in the area for what they have described as a long standing deceit of the Chiefs and people of the area.
 According to the residents, Hon. Amadu Seidu since 1996 promised to hook the entire electoral area onto the national grid but until now the residents in the area are still sleeping in total darkness.
Narrating their ordeal to Fiila News at Fufulso, the Assembly member for the area, Mankir Bashiru indicated that in 1996 and 2008 elections electricity poles were brought to the community and wiring was done in 2012 but they still sleep in total darkness.
He said until the MP fulfills his promises, he should never to step his foot to the area. He stressed that the area has been isolated from the Central Gonja in terms of developmental project despite being on the high way.
 Hon. Mankir said they are tired of the lies and deceit of politicians who always use them for their selfish gains.
Despites the initiative by the Ministry of energy and Government to connect over 300 communities to the national grid through the rural electrification project which seeks to ensure that rural folks get access to electricity, several communities in the central Gonja district are yet to determine whether they will benefits from such initiative.
Even though, promises have been made to some communities like Fulfuso and several others uncovered before the idea was carved nationally, students in the area have relied on torchlight and lanterns for their studies and that they said is affecting their sights. Meanwhile in an interview with the Member of Parliament for the area, Amadu Seidu however denied deceiving the people of Fufulso community as being perceived by residents of the community.
He said the duty and responsibility of every Member of Parliament is to fight for development to his area.
Hon. Amadu Seidu said in 1994, the NDC government asked Members of parliament to submit a list of communities in their constituencies they want to be hook on the national grid. In his constituency he said he had to consider communities that were a bit larger in size a population where he shortlisted 4 communities.
The communities include Sankpala, Kusawgu, Yape, Buipe-Wurunto and Fulfulso. He said the project started somewhere in 1996 and haulted after the new administration took over the affairs of the country.
He also blamed the NPP for not doing anything about the project in the area. At the weekend, the absence of electricity incurred the wrath of residents of Fufulso and its environs upon wiring have been done for some years now.
He however assured the people in the area that he is working assiduously to get the community hooked on the national grid. According him, at a point the contractor which on the site abandoned the project but no one was there to get the contractor back to site.
He therefore appealed to the people to exercise restraints as he is on his feet to ensure that all communities under his jurisdictions are hooked onto the national grid as it is their rights to enjoy some basic necessities.

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