Friday, August 16, 2013

N-R RCC to institute performance league-table for MMDAs

The Northern Regional Minister has revealed that the Northern Regional Coordinating Council will institute a league-table on the performance of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) in the region.
The league-table will however indicate the status of implementation of projects, programmes and activities in each district and place them in order of merit.
 It will also serve as a motivator to hardworking assemblies and remind non-performing ones to pull their weight or be blamed and sanctioned appropriately.
Mr. Bede Ziedem made this revelation during a meeting with, Presiding members, Coordinating Directors, Heads of departments and MMDCEs in the region.
 The minister said assemblies need to continuously remind themselves about their mandate of mobilizing resources to make life better for their people.
In that regard, the minister emphasized the importance for the assemblies to give utmost attention to the mobilization of their own resources rather than solely relying on external sources.  
Mr. Ziedem pointed out that in 2012, revenue generation in assemblies in the region averaged 76.15% which was an increase of 17 percent from the previous year. He said some districts however generated revenue as low as 17.21 percent of their target.
 Despite the peace the region is currently enjoying, Mr. Zieden  said that cannot take it granted and made a special appeal to areas disputes especially chieftaincy to resort to dialogue and negotiation as a means of resolving their difference .
The regional minister also urged MMDAs to revitalize their district security committee and make them more proactive to deal with potential sources of conflict before they escalate.
 Briefing the participants on the spate of education in the region, the Northern Regional Director of GES, Apanga Paul bemoaned the state of infrastructure in most Senior High schools in the region.
He has also appealed to government to complete uncompleted projects in SHS to ease congestion in most of the schools.

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