Friday, August 16, 2013

Cattle invade Tamale Streets as TMA is toothless

Stray animals have invaded the Tamale Metropolis resulting in a struggle of both animals and commuters for access to the principal streets of the city.
City authorities seem to have lost control as the stray animals, notably cattle and sheep, parade the Central Business District where banks and other businesses operate.
Past Mayors A.B.M.B Ibrahim (1996) and Mohammed Amin Adam (2008) effectively applied the established by-laws and regulations and cleared livestock from the streets of the metropolis, but this obviously is not the case now.
The Tamale Metropolis has now become a lawless city with human beings and animals presenting unimaginable scenes on a daily basis.
Tamale Metropolis as it stands now seems either acephalous or toothless. Residents interviewed blamed politicians and the Assembly for the rising tide of indiscipline on the streets.
They believe politicians’ fear of jeopardizing their jobs from pressure of foot soldiers and opinion leaders is contributory to the situation.
Reports sighted have it that most of the stray cattle, goats and sheep belong to people of high standing including chiefs and political party executives thereby incapacitating the Assembly and police mandated to arrest these animals.

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